Chapter Eleven

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It's evening time the next day. A stranger is standing in a shadowed doorway watching Nadine who is walking towards her house carrying John on her back. There is a pair of skates hanging from her arm. John is whispering in Nadines ear causing her to laugh.
She gets to her front door, then bends down slightly so John can just slide off her back. As Nadine is getting her keys out of her pocket she stands completely still, listening carefully. Nadine looks to her left, then her right, but sees nothing. She unlocks her door letting John run straight inside first. Nadine follows him inside, but at the doorway, she stops and turns to check the street again before shutting the door.

Leaning against the trunk of a tree in darkness a figure is watching Karen. She is standing outside a house with her arms around two young girls hugging them. An older man is standing in the doorway, holding the door open. Karen pats the girls on their backs then ushers them towards the front door, they run inside. The man and Karen briefly hug each other then Karen waves goodbye and starts walking away down the street as it's getting darker.
Hearing a noise behind her Karen stops to look behind, but all she sees is darkness. She hunches her shoulders, puts her hands in her pockets, then starts walking faster. As she rounds the corner a figure steps out in front of her. Karen screams backing away, before recognising Seans voice.

"Hey, hey. It's me, calm down babe."

Sean puts his hands on Karens shoulders holding and comforting her. Karen throws her arms around him hugging him tightly.

"Are you okay?" Sean asked, his face filled with concern.

"Just walk me home please," Karen pleaded.
For some reason she knew she didn't feel safe, she had a gut feeling that they were been watched. Sean nods, then holds his arm out too her, she links her arm through his elbow, and they walk around the corner together.

It's even darker when the figure sitting in the back of a pick-up truck looks over the side to see Dean walking a few steps in front of Kat. Dean has his arms up in the air celebrating some kind of victory, while Kat has her arms folded and is hanging her head.
They reach Kats front door then face each other. Dean rests his hands on Kats hips then bends down to whisper in her ear, she laughs, shakes her head then jokingly punches him in the shoulder. She places her hands on both sides of Deans face, then pulls his face down to kiss her. While they are kissing Kat pulls away so suddenly that Dean opens his eyes in shock. Kat leans close to him muttering something quietly. He nods, then turns his head to check the surrounding area. He shrugs then looks back at Kat.
Holding her hand he urges her up the stone steps to her front door. She unlocks it then bends forwards and kisses Dean again. She stands in her doorway, still grasping one of Deans hands as he backs away. He kisses her hand, then lets go as he watches Kat enter her house then shut and lock the door.
The stranger in the truck stands up and climbs over the side of the truck. Dean starts walking to his house, while pulling his cellphone from his pocket. The stranger lowers themselves silently onto the sidewalk, then begins to walk in Deans direction.
Concentrating on holding his phone and pulling tangled up earphones from his pocket, Dean stopped moving. The stranger walked in a calm manner until they are standing right behind him. Sensing that he wasn't alone Dean turned around. When he saw a shadowed figure so close behind him he staggered back a few steps. When the figure raised their head, Dean stared at them in confusion.

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