Chapter Five

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The next day was warm again, there was'nt a dark cloud in sight. Karen was up and dressed before 9am. She grabbed a cereal bar from a cupboard as she passed through the Kitchen. She glanced briefly at her Mum who was kneeling on the floor, peering into the oven, with a scrubbing brush in her gloved hands.

"See you later Mum."

Her Mum acknowledged her with a quick wave. Karen walked through the hallway, then as she reached for the front door handle, someone rapped on it. Karen pulled it open to see Kat, Nadine, Nikki and John standing outside. Kat had a slush drink clasped in her hands and a big smile on her face, she spun around, "Hi."

Karen looked at the little group, "Why are you guys here?"

Nadine motioned to John, "We're doing big sister duties."

As she spoke Karen noticed the football tucked under Johns arm and the ankle skipper in Nikkis hands.

Nadine continued, "We're just going to the park for a couple of hours, we wondered if you wanted to join us?"

Karen shrugged, "Yeah, why not."

She leant back and picked up a plastic container which had some new earphones in it, then placed them in her pocket. John and Nikki ran to the gate then waited for the others to follow them. Karen locked the door then joined them. As they walked to the park John was kicking the football between his feet, while Karen was trying unsuccessfully to open her earphones.

Kat was talking too Nikki, "You've been told about coming into my room."

"Yeah and now I know why. No wonder you don't allow Mum in there. If she knew what You and Dean get up too, you'd be in so much trouble."

Kat gave her sister a sceptical look, "Mum's not stupid, I'm pretty sure she already suspects. However, I would rather you didn't say anything about what you heard on the phone."

Nikki taps her foot and adopts a thoughtful, pondering pose. Kat pleads with her,
"Please Nikki, Parents don't like to know what their kids are getting up to. It embarrasses them."


"If you snitch, I'll get the safe sex lecture. Come on, as my sister please spare me that torture."

"Beg me."

"Right, okay. Look, I'll give you five pounds to keep quiet. Is that a deal?"

"I'd prefer ten pounds."

Kat makes a strangling motion with her hands, "Argh. Fine. Gold digger."

Kat pulls her purse from her leather jacket pocket, then takes a ten-pound note from it and holds it in her hand, "Your lips stay sealed. You promise me."

Niki lifted her right hand up with her pinkie extended out,
"Pinkie swear."
Kat and Nikki linked their pinkies together, then Kat hands over the ten-pound note to her sister. They eventually reach the park, John immediately starts running around, dribbling his football.

Nadine calls out too him, "Come on bro, let's have a kick about. Show me your skills boy."

John runs off some way with his football, then turns facing Nadine and he kicks the ball directly too her, she stops the ball easily then kicks it back. Nikki slips her ankle skipper over her foot then starts jumping over it. Kat glances over at Karen, who is still trying to open the plastic packaging to get her earphones out,
"Damn, they really don't want you to get into these, do they?"

Nadine stops the football with her foot again,
"It's to prevent shoplifting."
She kicks the ball back to her brother.

Kat holds her hand out,
"Give them too me."

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