Chapter Twelve

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It's mid-morning the next day, it was cooler than it had been recently, everyone was glad to have a slight breeze.
Kat with her naturally straight black hair down, dressed in dark blue skinny jeans, with a white scoop neck top which had a dreamcatcher on it, a smart but casual black jacket over the top, then some dolly shoes on her feet was chatting to Nadine who had her hair pulled back into a plait but with her hair loosely falling around her face was wearing a tight white vest top, smart light blue straight leg jeans, a dark brown leather jacket finished with a pair of Vans.
Both girls were following Karen as she walked through her garden, approaching her front door. Laden down with bags of shopping  she struggled to get the big bunch of keys from her pocket. Nadine and Kat hung back waiting while talking.

"You really didn't buy much today," enquired Nadine.
"Are those driving lessons really so expensive?"

Kat smiled nervously knowing she couldn't give her friends the real reason why she was so broke.
"You'd be amazed at how little my wages actually stretch too."

Nadine narrowed her eyes suspiciously at her friend, but before she could say another word Karen unlocked the door then pushed her way through, struggling with all her bags. She shouted back as Nadine and Kat entered the hallway.

"You know, the guys should really be here to carry this for us."
She dropped her bags heavily onto the couch.

Nadine lowered her bags onto the floor,
"Dominic hates clothes shopping with me, but what about Sean?"

Karen flopped down onto an armchair looking completely exhausted. She was wearing a plain black halter neck top, with grey skinny jeans which had small rips in them, brown suede ankle boots with a smart casual light beige jacket. Her hair was down but she had two side plaits pulled back on either side off her head and designer sunglasses on. "He's at Basketball practice. Hey, Harris, Isn't Dean available?"

Kat closed the front door then came into the Lounge,
"Are you kidding? The worlds strongest man final is on tele today. I don't expect to hear from him until that's over. I don't get a second thought when that is on."

Sitting down cross legged on the floor Kat pulled her singular bag onto her lap then rummaged through it. Though she was distracted by her shopping she continued talking. "Besides it's all about Nadines little love machine today."

Karen butted in, "Let's hope he passes the friends test. If he fails, Nadine," Karen trailed off then clicked her tongue while making a slit throat hand action.

Kat raised her head from her bag,
"So how has Sean managed to stay around," she joked smiling, as Karen faked indignity.

"Hey! My baby is great. Come on, he's cute, toned, funny, sometimes in a rude way. He is very sexy and believe it or not, he can be romantic in private. And the clincher is, I see what you two don't. I see him naked, frequently."

Kat raised herself into a kneeling position, then stretched her arm out grabbing another bag as she quickly replied,
"And on that note, may I say that I have no wish to see that."

Nadine watched Kat as she pulled the other bag onto her lap and peered into it.

"Hey Kat, that's mine," Nadine reminded her friend.

Continuing to admire what Nadine had brought, Kat nodded,
"Yeah I know. I'm just looking. You can peek into my bag then pass judgement on what I brought if you want."

They all grab each others bags, pulling out items of clothing to comment on.

Meanwhile on the street outside, Dominic is walking towards Karens house. He's wearing straight leg smart black jeans, a white Guns n Roses t-shirt, a black leather jacket over the top and white trainers.
He bends down next to a parked car checking his gelled back hair in the reflection from the window, then he opens his mouth and clenches his teeth shut checking there's nothing in his teeth. After ensuring that he looked okay, he straightened up then continued walking.

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