Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Time passes by, there was a blur of people coming into Nadines hospital room. Her Mother, Alice, burst into Nadines room, pale and thinner than Nadine remembered, there were tear tracks on her face. She immediately wrapped her arms around Nadine and hugged her tightly. Nadine buried her face in her Mums shoulder as fresh tears broke from her. Her Mum held her like she was never going to let go and Nadine could hear her whispering,
"Oh Thank god, thank god."
She repeated the same words over and over again.

Nadine sobbed loudly.
"I'm sorry Mum, I'm so sorry. I didn't know that John had come home."

Alice shushed her daughter.
"Don't you dare blame yourself."

Alice visited Nadine every day while she healed. Other people visited, friends from school. Police officers and members of the victims families, wanting answers, but Nadine was still too traumatised too face them.
Over time Nadine learnt that unsurprisingly Kats Mum had left Alans father. Slowly Nadines physical wounds start to heal and she finds herself able to move around without much difficulty, until eventually she's discharged from the hospital. However as soon as she leaves, realisation dawns on her that the emotional and mental scars aren't so easily healed. From the moment she exited the hospital every persons head turned and she felt all eyes on her. Sweeping her eyes around Nadine felt completely exposed and unsure why she was a focus of so much attention. A couple of girls nearby were watching her while whispering to each other. Nadine lowered her head and walked deliberately away from the crowd of observers heading straight for the high street.
She approached a cash machine and was just reaching into the back pocket of her jeans for her purse, when the paper rack outside the newsagents next door caught her eye. Her mouth dropped open as she walked away from the bank and closer to the stand. There on the front page of every magazine and newspaper was the story.
Pictures of herself, many pictures of Alan, all the victims, including Nadines little brother, John, her best friends and her boyfriend. Nadine realised that Alan was right, he had got his legacy, his fame and recognition. This is what she had been protected from in the hospital, this is why people were staring at her, the papers had done an excellent job of making sure people were informed of the biggest story to hit this small community. More than anything Nadine was sickened that people were wanting to know all the gory details. She couldn't understand why on earth people were so eager to know every little event, everything that had occurred, they had no idea how horrific it had been. The headlines in big bold letters stood out, catching her attention.

Bloodbath For Blood Brother!

The Slamson Slaughter Spree!

Cliftonville Pupils Condemned!

Grief Stricken Brother Kills 11!

Sole Survivor Off Cliftonville Carnage!

Tears well up in her eyes and she turns away from the newsagents. As she is about to leave, a hand grabs her shoulder. Nadine whirled around quickly with her right hand balled up and raised, only to see a stranger standing in front of her. He takes an involuntary step back when he sees her fist and he whips his hand off her shoulder.
Nadine eyes him suspiciously while lowering her fist. The stranger glances at the paper rack, then returns his gaze back to Nadine, his eyes lit up excitedly and he smiles.

"Oh my God. It is you isn't it?"

Nadine doesnt reply, but the stranger continues.
"Wow. You're Nadine Gadd. The only survivor of the massacre," his voice rises with enthusiasm, but Nadine still refuses to acknowledge him with a reply. The stranger grabbed a newspaper from the rack as Nadine tried to step around him, but he blocked her path and shook open the paper, then locked his eyes onto hers. "This is pretty mind blowing. I've been reading the story every day."

The way he spoke about such a devastating event with such anticipation and eagerness finally forced a reply from Nadine.
"Getting all the gory details, are you?" she answered back with her voice flat and emotionless.

The stranger turns the paper around to show her the pages, and Nadine closes her eyes then turns her face away from the photo of Alan, the photos of people leaving flowers outside the victims houses, aswel as nice, carefully selected photos of all those involved.

"Thanks, but I really don't need to see that. I already know what happened." Nadine said not wanting to know the papers version of events. The stranger closed the paper then started folding it up.

"You'll be so famous from this," he exclaimed as he tucked the paper underneath his arm.

Nadine gaped at him in disbelief, "What did you just say?"

He raised his face,
"This is huge and you're the only one left," he explained.

Nadine couldn't believe what she was hearing.
"I don't wanna be famous for having fucked up shit happen to me," she replied looking at the stranger like he was a leech.

"You could sell the story, the true story. You could make it into a book, a movie or a television series. They're always searching for new storylines. The sky is the limit."

Nadine had a look of disgust on her face,
"What planet are you from?" she questioned before quickly dodging around him.

She set off at a fast pace not wanting to be recognised again. Though Nadine didn't have far to walk, everywhere she turned people were either reading the paper while sadly shaking their heads or discussing it amongst themselves. An electronics store came into view and as Nadine passed the five televisions that were on display in the store window, a news report was showing. When Nadines face appeared on all the television sets at the same time she rolled her eyes.
Glancing around at her surroundings, Nadine noticed a small stone entrance to her left which led to a pub back entrance. She dived through and found that it led into a darkened alleyway. The darkness and silence calmed her. She rested her head back against the wall then shut her eyes, "Oh shit."

Nadine leant her body back against the wall and opened her eyes. Then she bent over resting her hands on her kneecaps while she drew in some deep breaths.
I've got to get out of here," she insisted to herself.

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