Chapter Fourteen

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Nadine is sitting in a beige room, there is a huge wardrobe, a chest of drawers, a make-up desk, lots of shelves with perfumes, ornaments and CDs on them. There is a bookcase with lots of works of fiction neatly stacked, next to the bookcase was a huge fancy music system then a flat screen television on a unit, then a double bed which had a duvet cover with Dolphins on it.
Nadine was sitting on the bed with a picture frame in her hands. She's staring sadly at a photo of her and Dom taken one day when they were at a zoo. Dominic had his arm draped around Nadines shoulder while she was cuddling a baby Pygmy Goat in her arms. She raised her eyes as she heard Karen talking on her phone, outside in the hallway.

"I know I said I would babysit tonight, but something's come up. Can't you just cancel?"

Karen listened into the phone with a 'help me' expression on her face.

"I don't know what to suggest. You have no idea what has happened to us today."

At this point Nadine spoke up,
"Karen it's okay. Tell them you can still babysit. In fact, we'll go with you."

Karen covered the phone with her hand as she removed it from her ear. "No way, you've been through too much today."

"What else am I gonna do? Besides mope, grieve and be depressed." Nadine said glumly.

Karen still looked unsure,"Is babysitting really what you wanna do immediately after?"

Nadine interrupted her, "It is a promise you made, and I really need to be with my mates right now. It's okay."

"Are you sure?" Karen asked.

Nadine nodded as she replaced the picture on her bedside table, Karen speaks into the phone again.
"Alright, fine, we will be there by 6pm."

Karen ended the call then pocketed her phone. She entered the bedroom and sat next to Nadine, she also glanced at the photo of them both.
"I wish I could have met him."

Nadine met her eyes then nodded sadly, "Yeah, me too."

Karen smiled slightly, "He was a great looking guy."

Nadine also smiled as she lowered her eyes. Karen put her arm around her, "Come on."
They both stand then Karen suddenly stops, "Oh crap. What about John?"

Unconcerned Nadine replied, "He's at a sleepover tonight, he won't be back until tomorrow."

Karen and Nadine walk down the stairs then reach the front door, Nadine grips the handle as there is a knock from the other side of the door. Nadine pulls it open to see Kat standing outside with her huge bag. Karen puts her hands on Kats shoulders and turns her around. Kat was clearly confused,
"Woah, where we going?" she asked mystified.

Karen leads Kat towards the gate as Nadine hung back locking the door. "We are babysitting my Nieces tonight," Karen explained.

Kat turns too them both with a shocked look in her eyes,
"Oh, no, no. Guys I'm as high as a kite. I can't be stoned while taking care of kids. Not now."

"No shit Sherlock," Karen snapped back.
"I told you to stop doing that poison."

Kat started giggling uncontrollably as her friends stared at her, not sure what to do.

"What's wrong with her?" Nadine asked in puzzlement.

"I'm not sure. Maybe it's a hysterical reaction from delayed shock or something." Karen suggested,
"I'm not familiar with drug effects."

Nadine grabbed Kats arms and shook her, "Kat snap out of it," she shouted.

Kat shakes her head clear then stopped giggling, although she couldn't wipe the smile off her face,
"I can't. Somebody slap me."

Karen stepped forwards and slapped Kat hard around the face. Kats smile immediately disappeared. She put her hand on her cheek then looked at Karen in disbelief, "Ouch."

"Better," says Karen appearing apologetic.

"Damn, I know I said slap me, but did you have to do it quite so hard." Kat asked.

Nadine pushed them both forwards as they walked out onto the sidewalk.

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