Chapter Ten

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Later that evening Kat is at home, she pushes open a door then walks straight through without knocking. She enters Alans bedroom, it's light brown in colour with posters of attractive models pinned up. Kat only recognised Kate Moss and Cara Delevigne. There were a lot of expensive toy model cars around the room, as well as a desk where Alan built them up. A large television connected to an X-Box, DVDs and computer games were stacked on shelves. The room was a mess though, clothes were strewn across the floor, there were empty coffee cups and dirty plates everywhere, empty take away boxes were overflowing from the bin and any space in his room had an empty can of beer occupying it. Alan was reclining on his bed with a magazine in his hands which he immediately tried to hide behind his legs as Kat walked into his room uninvited. She raised her eyebrows as an amused grin spread across her lips. "Is this a bad time?"

Alan glowered at her, "Kind off."

Raising herself on tiptoe, Kat peeked over Alans legs to see an erotic magazine specifically aimed at the male of the species. She gave him a withering glance,
"Oh Alan, what would my Mother say?"

Alan sat up, "Do you have a reason for coming into my room unannounced?" He spoke to her in a tone that suggested he would rather gouge his eyes out than waste his breath discussing anything with his step sister. Kat approached the bed.

"Actually, believe it or not, I do have a reason for wishing to speak to you."

"Now this I can't wait to hear."

"Can you make yourself scarce tonight?"

Alan began to laugh, a sarcastic forced laugh with no humour in it. "Wait a minute. You're asking me for a favour? You are aware that I hate you, right? So why would I do anything for you?"

Kats eyes narrowed as she watched him, she waited patiently for him to stop his fake laugh before replying. "Well firstly, Me and my friends would rather not have a killjoy like you hanging around while we are here. Secondly, I dont think you could possibly hate me more than I hate you. Lastly, Dean is staying over, do you really want to be here when Me and Dean are? Let's remember that my room is right next to yours."

Alan kicks his trainers off, they hit the opposite wall then dropped too the floor. Kat watches them, then lets her gaze travel across the untidy room, unable to hide the look of disgust.

Alan lays back on the bed, minus his footwear.
"Seriously, why can't you two fuck elsewhere? You could stay at his place?"

Kats disgusted look became more obvious, "That's none of your goddam business."

"Well as the eldest, I was left in charge and I'm thinking, hell no." Alan smirked, happy to be ruining Kats plans.

But being the type of girl that she is, Kat was content to ignore anything her step brother said.
"Since when did I start listening to you?" she reminded him.

Alan shakes his head,
"It's not happening, just accept that."

Kat was observing the collection of DVDs that Alan owned and not really paying attention to him. She turned to him a smile on her face, "Thankyou."

She backed towards his door,
"I'll let you get back to your activities."

She raised her clenched right hand then moved it up and down a few times, before giving a little giggle and disappearing out of his door. Alan shouted after her,
"I mean it. Don't you dare go against me on this."

He heard Kat shout back,
"You suck, Mamas boy."

"Blow me, Daddys whore."

Alan picked his magazine back up and continued to read, while Kat was on her phone typing a text.

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