Chapter Twenty-Two

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Nadine jumps over the tall fence that separates her garden from her neighbours. Although she wasn't best friends with them, she knew them well enough to know they would help her.
Shane and Danielle, they were a young couple who had recently moved in together, he owned a stall on the market selling fruit and vegetables, she was a barmaid.
As Nadine jumped down she fell awkwardly on her feet spraining her ankle. She limped up the garden towards the back door, shouting, "Shane. Dani. Help us. Please help us."

She reached the door then started pounding,
"Dani. Dani, open the door."

She's banging on the door with her fists as loud as she can and shouting at the top of her voice. She knew that Dani finished her shift at 11pm so she would be home, as well as Shane, although they would both be asleep at this time.
"Please, oh God, please guys open the door," Nadine pleaded hollering loudly.

After a few moments with no response at all, she limps over to the window which looks into the Kitchen, but the blinds were drawn and she couldn't see a thing. She returns to the door noticing the cat flap at the bottom, she crouched down then pushed the flap open with her hand and peered in.
The Kitchen was small, modern and neatly kept, with grey marble effect tiles for the flooring. Beside the sink which was filled with dirty plates and cutlery is a good looking dark haired lad. He was lying on his back, his arms down at his sides, the blade part of an axe had been slammed into his chest, the blunt end and the handle was raised into the air as if an invisible hand was still holding it.
Dani was also lying on her back beside her boyfriend, her hands were bloodstained and resting on her stomach. There was still a long length of wire wound several times around her neck.
Nadine lowers her head and removes her hand, she sinks down onto her knees with her hand over her mouth.
"My God, you knew we would come here for help," she whispered sadly.

With no other options left she sat down on the uneven paved slabs, she drew her knees up then folded her arms on top of them. Turning her head, she could see that the darkness around her was fading, in the distance the sky was turning a lighter shade of blue and she could hear birds beginning to sing. She found it hard to believe that one night could seem to last so long.
As she was about to rest her head down and give up Nadine suddenly saw a light come on in her house, next door. From where she was sitting, she knew that it was the light in her bedroom. Raising up onto her knees unable to look away she felt a spark of hope. Her immediate thought was that it was Kat or Karen, she quickly got up on her feet, still limping she made her way towards the fence, eagerly she gripped the mesh with both hands hoping to see one of her friends.
Alan appears at the back door in a torn grey t-shirt, black jeans with black trainers, his t-shirt and hands are stained with blood. His eyes sweep over the garden then he catches sight of Nadine. Her eyes widen as a smile lights up her face, she calls out to him.
"Alan, I'm over here."

He jogs over to her panting then smiles back at her.
"Nadine, thank god. I thought I was too late."

Nadine looked him up and down taking in the blood stains on his clothes.
"Jesus, what did he do to you? You're covered in blood."

Alan briefly studied his top,
"I'm okay, injured, but okay," he replied as he wiped absentmindedly at the stains on his top with his hand.

"I never thought I'd say this, but my God I am glad to see you," Nadine said relieved.

She started to head up the garden path to where the fence is lower. Alan walked alongside her on his side of the fence.

"I can't believe you came back, I really believed you had left us," Nadine said, curious to know what had changed his mind.

"The curse of a conscience," Alan answered back without looking at her.

"Have you seen him?" Nadine asked.

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