Chapter Twenty-Five

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Before Alan could react, Nadine brought her right hand up and backhanded him around the face, he groaned in agony as the exposed points of the star cut into his cheek drawing blood, he raised one hand to his cheek pressing his palm against the cut, his other hand which was gripping the gun lowered to his side.

"Come on you piece of shit,"
Nadine shouted, she dropped her necklace then kicked the gun from Alans hand, it flew across the room out of Alans reach.
He removed his hand from his cheek, revealing a deep cut, seeping blood.
Alan straightened up his face stern, he reached down to the top of his boot and gripped one of his Kershaw Boot knifes. He swung at Nadine, but she quickly ducked out of his way. He swings again, only this time Nadine grips his right wrist with both hands trying to push the knife away from her. She gritted her teeth and used all the strength in her arms to keep the blade away from her. Alan being a lot more muscular is easily edging the weapon closer to her throat. Nadines arms shake, buckling as she tries to overpower him. Alan smirks as Nadine feels the cold steel of the knife blade graze against her neck. The touch seemed to shock her into action, without thinking she forcefully lifted her knee as hard as she could catching Alan directly in-between his legs. He closed his eyes grimacing in pain, the knife fell from his hand and he dropped down onto his knees with both hands cupped around his crotch.
Nadine turns to the doorway, she quickly pushes Kats body aside then squeezes past her. She runs down the stairs speedily, she was always the fastest in her group of friends. In the hallway she glances around anxiously, looking for the knife that  had been on the floor of the entrance hall earlier, but it had vanished. She assumed that Alan must have removed it to leave her defenceless.
Instead Nadine dives into the Lounge, deliberately averting her eyes from Amber and Lily. As she searched frantically for some form of weapon, an empty glass beer bottle standing upright on the floor next to the armchair caught her eye. At this point she heard slow steady footsteps coming down the stairs. She picked up the bottle, eyeing it sceptically, wishing she had a better weapon, then hid behind the door, she raised the bottle high gripping it tightly in her hand. While waiting for Alan to enter the room, she notices she is shaking, her heart was pounding, her legs felt like jelly and there was such a mixture of emotions running through her body, she felt pumped up, she felt emotional, she had an overwhelming urge to cry. Nadine knew this was the effects of adrenaline pumping through her veins.

Alan gets downstairs, he peers into the Dining Room, but sees nothing out of place, Dean and John were still midway through their game of Gin Rummy. Alan walked into the room heading straight for Johns body, he bent down next to him.

"It's okay John. Your sister will join you soon," he whispered with a sly smile.

He backed out of the room unable to remove his eyes from his handywork, impressed by his efforts. He eventually turned away and headed straight for the Lounge, he paused at the door before entering. He took one step through the doorway then felt a hard blow to the back of his head, as well as the sound of glass smashing as shards fell around his shoulders, the blow made him fall onto his hands and knees at Nadines feet.
She gave him a good hard kick in the side of his stomach causing Alan to roll over onto his back. Nadine knelt down next to him and holding the broken bottle like a dagger, she stabbed it down towards his neck. Alan reacts instantly, gripping both her wrists in his hands restraining her, then he used his extra weight and muscles to flip Nadine over. He pinned her to the floor, both her wrists in his tight grip, he placed his knees on either side of her body making it impossible for her to escape or move. He looked down at her body trapped beneath him then a naughty grin spread over his lips.
Nadine raised her head then turning it towards Alans left arm, she opened her mouth and sank her teeth into Alans forearm, He screamed as she bit down hard on his skin. He tried to pull his arm away, but Nadine held on, clenching her teeth together. His hand left her other wrist as he attempted to escape from her grip. As soon as Nadine felt her wrist was free, she unclamped her teeth then swung the bottle towards him. Alan again knowing he's stronger than her, also grabs onto the bottle and slowly forces it around so the jagged shards are dangerously close to Nadines neck.
As they are struggling Nadine suddenly notices a small tear in the shoulder of Alans coat with an old blood stain which had seeped from it, inflicted on Alan during his struggle with Karen.
Knowing that her jugular was in serious danger of been sliced open, Nadine removed one hand from the bottle then groped for Alans shoulder and gripped it. Using her fingers to feel around she found the opening of a small stab wound. Alans eyes moved down to her hand realising what she was about to do. Without pausing for a second, in desperation, not knowing what else she can do, Nadine forced her forefinger and middle finger straight into the wound. Alan dropped the bottle as a loud scream of pain broke from him, Nadine flinched as the bottle fell onto her chest, the jagged end missing her throat by millimetres. Nadine relieved, shrugs it off, letting it roll away across the floorboards out of her grasp.
Alan wraps his fingers around Nadines wrist then tries to pull her hand away from his wound, Nadine ignoring the blood running down her arm and the feel of his flesh against her fingertips, forces her fingers in as far as she can then tore them down stretching the wound wider open. Unable to stand the pain anymore Alan raised himself up onto his knees and backed away from her. Nadines bloodstained fingers slid from Alans shoulder, then finding herself no longer trapped, Nadine rolled away from Alan. She gets to her feet as Alan is lying on the floor with his hand pressed against his shoulder while blood ran from it.
Nadine tries to run past him, but as she does Alans other arm reaches out and grabs one of her feet, he yanks it backwards pulling it out from underneath her. Nadine immediately fell forwards her forehead hitting the floorboards with a reverberating bang, Alan removed his Balisong butterfly knife from his belt, with a few quick wrist manoeuvres he flicked the blade out, then stretching his arm over to Nadine, he raised the knife then slammed it straight into the flesh at the top of her left thigh. Nadine felt a searing jolt of agony shoot through the top of her leg as the blade pierced her skin, without even realising, a howl of pain escaped Nadines mouth. She clenched her teeth together, then lowered her eyes forcing herself to examine the damage.
The handle gleamed dully in the morning light, there was about a centimetre of steel showing between her leg and the handle, blood was trickling from the wound, but not as much as she had feared, the knife was obviously obstructing the blood flow, she also estimated that the blade hadn't been long enough to hit her femoral artery.
Alan was starting to get to his feet, but before he could stand, Nadine kicked her right leg out, the heel of her Van caught Alan on the bridge of his nose and his right eye socket, the force knocked Alan onto his back again. Nadine tried to move her left leg, but her attempt drew another scream. With her left leg hanging uselessly, Nadine pushed herself up with her hands then stood upright, using primarily her right leg. She pressed her hand against her wound, her fingers positioned around the knife handle. She was unsure why, but the pressure seemed to help with the pain.
Alan was also standing up, he looked tired and had blood dripping from his nose. Nadine forced herself to move, she limped towards the doorway, it took a lot of effort but she reached the front entrance. Suddenly her eyes lit up and she felt a spark of hope as something occurred to her.
She glanced up the stairs then down at her leg, out of the corner of her eyes she saw Alan walking towards her, unhurried, he knew she had nowhere to go.
Nadine gripped the bannister then using her right leg, she took the steps one at a time, gripping the bannister tightly with her hands. Nadine rested her weight on her arms and used them to support herself as she limped up.
Alan got to the bottom of the stairs then sighed, shaking his head, wondering what her plan is, upstairs she is trapped. Nadine hops up the stairs, fear driving her on, despite the discomfort in her leg. She reaches the top then half hops and half stumbles towards Kats body.
Although Kat had been one of her best friends Nadine regarded her fearfully, hesitating before moving closer to her. She stands directly in front of her friend keeping her eyes averted, Nadine had always mocked Kat about how comfortable she was about enrolling to go to medical school where she would be examining as well as dissecting dead bodies. Now Nadine was faced with corpses from every angle.
Closing her eyes and turning her head in disgust she raised both hands then thrust them into Kats jean pockets causing her friend to sway slightly in the doorway. Nadine forces her fingers further into the small pockets until she feels something cold and solid in Kats right trouser pocket which she grips in her fist.
While withdrawing her hands, she makes the mistake of briefly raising her head then immediately wished that she hadn't. Her friends chin is resting on her hands in such a way that although Kats eyes were closed her face was tilted down directly at Nadine, she could almost hear Kats voice in her mind,

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