Chapter Six

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Karen and Sean are in Seans bedroom. The room is light blue in colour, there are football banners hung up, aswel as posters of Basketball players. There is a huge flat screen television fixed too the wall, then all manner of games consoles on a unit underneath. Attached to the wall with brackets is a lacrosse stick, a hockey stick, a tennis racket then a basketball hoop above. The windowsill is full of trophies that Sean has won over the years in all types of sports. On top of the fireplace is a photo of Sean with his lacrosse team, beside a framed picture of Karen in her cheerleading outfit, then lastly a photo of Sean holding a huge Football trophy.
Karen is lying in bed with her hair down, the duvet covering her, except for her bare shoulders. Sean is sitting up in the bed next too her topless, but with his lower body hidden under the duvet. His normally styled hair is falling over his forehead as he leans over a newspaper that's resting on his lap, while twirling a pen around in his right hand.

"What are you doing?" asked Karen, rolling onto her side to see what he's reading.

"Horse racing babe, marking the ones I'm gonna put bets on," he replied without taking his eyes from the paper.

Karen sighed, "We're not old enough."

"Yeah, well they dont know that. Besides they never ask me for i.d."

Karen shook her head disapprovingly as she lay back again, staring at the ceiling,
"You've got cracks in your ceiling, you know."

Sean glances at her ignoring that comment,
"Do you want to put any bets on? I'll pay for you."

"I don't understand all the odds, I don't know the jockeys or trainers. I pick horses by which names I like," replied Karen.

Sean passes her the paper,
"Well, here, look. I've marked the races I'm gonna bet on. All you've gotta do is put a star next to the names you like then I'll sort it at the bookies for you."

Sean grabs a pair of boxer shorts from the floor next to the bed and pulls them on, then gets up. From a pile of clothes on the floor he picks up some black jeans, and a plain navy t-shirt. He gets dressed, then gets his letterman jacket from his wardrobe and shrugs into it. He steps into a pair of converses, then leaves the bedroom while running his hands through his messy hair. Karen puts the paper down on top of the duvet, "Done."

Sean reappears a few moments later with a cup of tea in his hand, he puts it down on the windowsill next to Karen,
"Here you go gorgeous."

He picks up the paper sweeping his eyes over the horses Karen has picked.

"I only chose three."

He nods, then pulls the pages out of the paper, folds it neatly then places it in his back pocket. He rests his hands on the bed, bends down and gives Karen a kiss on he lips, she grabs the back of his head pulling him closer for a longer more passionate kiss. Eventually Sean ends the kiss with a goofy grin on his face,
"What was that all about? I'm coming right back."

He pushes himself up from the bed, picks up his keys then heads for the stairs, he shouts back at her as he starts walking down,
"Don't you dare get up or dressed. I'll be back in about twenty minutes sexy."

Karen hears the front door close, she pulls the curtain aside and peers out of the window seeing Sean jogging down the street. She lays back comfortably in bed smiling contentedly to herself.

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