Chapter Three

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It's evening time. Kat, Dean, Karen and Nadine were sprawled in Kats bedroom.

It was fairly sized, decorated with peach paint, there were a few canvases of sunsets over beaches and American cities, framed photos of family and friends. She had a double bed, a three-door wardrobe, a desk with medical books piled on it, a laptop and printer, a vanity desk which had make-up, perfume bottles and hair straighteners on it. She had a flat screen TV on a television unit complete with a sound system, then lots of movies and CDs. On her bedside table there was a picture off her hugging Dean while she was wearing his police hat, as well as a picture of her giving Nikki a piggy back.
The girls were discussing a project for school when suddenly there was a quiet knock on her bedroom door, then they heard a young female voice, "Kat, can I come in?"

"Come on in Sis," Kat called back.

Nikki pushed open the door then came skipping in, dressed in black leggings and a vest top which had a winking Emoji on it. She jumped up on to the bed next to Kat and the likeness between them was undeniable. Bouncing up and down on Kats bed as she was kneeling in front of her sister Nikki could barely contain her excitement.
"You know how I've still got two days left at school before I break up?"

Kat nodded as Nikki continued,
"Well, I kind of forgot that we have show and tell on the last day. So now I need to ask you a favour."

"Go ahead."

"It's kind of a big favour."

"It's okay."

"Actually, it's a really huge favour."

Kat rolled her eyes sighing,
"Nikki I swear. Just spit it out."

Her brown eyes shining with anticipation Nikki blurted out, "Can I take Rogue to school for it?"

Kat glances over at her pet Chameleon in the huge tank in one corner off her room, she hesitated clearly concerned.
"Oh Nikki, I don't know about that."

Nikki tried pleading with her.
"Please Kat, I'd be so careful with her."

"I don't doubt that you would be careful because you're used to her and know how to handle her," admitted Kat.
"However your friends are young, they aren't used to her, there's a strong possibility they might be too rough, hold her too tight or drop her."

Nikki put her arms around Kat to try and convince her with some sisterly love.
"I wouldn't let them touch her. Just observe her, then watch me feed her, while I talk about her."

Still Kat hesitated, "Please Kat," Nikki implored pouting slightly. Kat raised another problem.
"How on earth were you planning to get her, as well as that tank to school anyway, even if I said yes?"

Nikki fell silent, her eyebrows knotted together as she pondered that dilemma, until Karen spoke up.
"I could take the lizard and Nikki to school in my car that day."

Nikkis face lit up and she clapped her hands excitedly, "Please, please, please Kat."

Raising her eyes to the ceiling Kat shrugged knowing she was defeated, raising both hands she rested them on Nikkis shoulders then pushed her backwards onto her back. She leant over her younger sister tickling and poking her in the ribs.
"Fine, okay then."

Nikki laughing uncontrollably began kicking her legs out trying to wriggle away from Kat. Nadine and Karen quickly edged away, covering their heads for protection, while Dean put both hands protectively over his crotch as they all tried to dodge Nikkis flailing legs. Eventually she hits her mark catching Kat in the shoulder, who immediately holds both hands up in mock surrender as Nikki scrambles off the bed.

"All joking aside Nikki," Kat said sternly, her expression serious.
"You need to be extra careful with Rogue. I don't care how much your classmates complain or plead, she does not come out of that tank. Okay."

Nikki walked too the bedroom door then nodded, "I promise."

Nikki left the room skipping happily to her own bedroom. Meanwhile Kat, Karen, Nadine and Dean were all getting too their feet. Nadine was speaking as she picked up a folder.

"We're really gonna have to knuckle down over the holidays to plan this assignment."

Kat who was holding hands with Dean nodded, "Well I only work at the weekends, so we can work on it here during the week."

"We'll get it finished in no time," added in Karen.

They walked out of Kats room, then headed down the stairs still chatting.

"Where you two off too now anyway?" asked Nadine turning towards Dean.

"We're going to my brothers house, he needs me too help him break down his bed and wardrobe for when his moving, while Kat here is gonna help with wrapping and packing."

Kat smiled sarcastically, "Yeah, exactly what I want to be doing tonight."

Dean hugged her tightly, "Come on, it won't be that bad. Besides I promised I would make it up to you, didn't I?"

Karen cleared her throat loudly, "And on that note, I'm gonna leave."
She pulled open the front door, Nadine was close behind her. Kat picked up a bunch of keys as they reached the door. They all filed out. Even though the sun had set, the night was still warm. As Kat locked the door behind herself, Dean walked towards his green Citroen C2 while getting his keys out of his pocket. Karen and Nadine waved goodbye to Kat and separated as they returned too their own homes. Kat pulled open the car door then lowered herself in, she turned to Dean as he fastened his seat belt.
"Let's just go and get this over with" she grumbled. Dean started the engine then checking all around himself, he pulled out then sped off towards the main road.

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