Chapter Eight

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The next day Karen, Nadine and Kat are seated at a round wooden table in Nadines house. They are in a nice modern fitted Kitchen with glasses of soda in front of them. Kat pulls a small plastic packet from her pocket and empties some white powder into her glass then stirs it. She jumps as Nadine speaks sharply beside her, "Kat, what the hell? I thought you were stopping that shit."

Karen looks up, a disappointed expression on her face. Kat tries to defend her actions,
"Hey, if your family fell apart, your Dad disappeared and you got the worst stepbrother ever, you would need help too. Don't judge me."

Nadine knowing it was pointless trying to lecture Kat opened a folder then addressed her two friends.
"Our project is gonna be the best, but we've got to work at it. Kat, have you got the camera?"

Kat bends down and picks up a small zipped up canvas bag, she gently pats the top of it, "Right here."

"And you know how to set music to it when we've finished filming?"

"No," replied Kat uncertainly. "But Dean does."

Karen spoke up, "How are things going in that area?"

"Very well," said Kat smiling. "How are things with you and Sean?"

"Couldn't be better."

Both Karen and Kat at the same time turn to Nadine, who doesnt even glance up from the notepad she's writing in. She knows they're waiting for her to acknowledge them and give them some juicy details from her relationship.
"I dont kiss and tell."

"Oh, come on," begged Karen.

Nadine decided that she would have to be the one to keep them focused on their project.
"This is actually really exciting. Miss Archer gives us the best assignments."

Kat giggled, "If only she shopped at the right stores. What is the deal with the really baggy clothes?"

"I think it's just the way she's built," explained Karen.

Nadine gets up from the table and fetches a tin of biscuits from a shelf. She puts them down on the table, where Kat immediately pulls the lid off then proceeds to help herself.

"Yes Kat, please dive right in," offered Nadine.

Karen reaches over also pulling a biscuit out, she bites into it then continues talking.
"Have you seen that new P.E teacher?" She smiles as she raises her eyebrows, "Woah, hello Mr Biceps."

"I don't see it," replied Kat shrugging unimpressed.

"What the biceps?"

Laughing Kat pulled some more biscuits from the tin,
"No you dingbat. I don't see why everyone is so attracted to him."

Nadine was shocked. "Are you serious? I think he's lush."

"He has such a hypnotising smile," said Karen dreamily.

"But he never smiles," Kat protested.

Nadine crossed her arms then stared directly at her friend.
"Kat, are you gonna eat all them biscuits?"

"Yes I am."

Karen holds her hand out for the tin and clicks her fingers,
"Come on Kat, you can't hold the biscuit barrel to ransom."

They all turn their heads when the Kitchen door opens, and John walks in. He was wearing baggy jeans and an L.A Rams t-shirt, his brown hair was hidden under a safety helmet, his cheeks were red, and he was slightly out of breath. There was a pair of inline skates in his hands. He pulled his helmet off and regarded them all out of hazel eyes.

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