Chapter Eighteen

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In the cellar, Nadine tries to raise her head as she hears a loud thud upstairs, which sounded like a chair been knocked over. She wildly glanced around keeping her eyes peeled for anything that she could use to escape.
She hears muffled groaning beside her, she whips her head round to see Kat stirring and beginning to wake up. Relief overwhelms Nadine that Kat is still alive, injured, but alive. Kat opens her eyes frowning in pain, she tries to move her hands to her head to work out why she's in so much pain, then realises she can't.
Nadine tries to call out to her but only manages a muffled noise through her gag. Kat wearily fixes her eyes on Nadine and there's a spark of happiness in her eyes that she isn't alone. She strains at the bonds tying her hands together, then gives up laying her head back down against the dusty floorboards.
Nadine tries to speak to Kat through her gag. Kat listening can just about make out that Nadine is trying to say Karen. Glancing all round the cellar hoping to see their friend tied up nearby, she is devastated to see it's just the two of them. Her eyebrows lower sadly over her eyes as she shakes her head then shrugs. They both listen for any noises from above, an indication that there is somebody alive.

Then suddenly Nadine and Kat both freeze and lay down on the floor with eyes closed, completely still as the cellar door opens, instead of the dull sound of heavy, footsteps descending down the stairs they hear thuds, bumps and bangs.
Kat cautiously opens one eye just in time to see Alan tumble to the bottom of the stairs, also tied up and gagged. He looks at his step sister in fear as well as complete confusion while Kat shut her eyes in despair.
A few moments pass before Kats eyes shot open, glancing down she focuses her gaze on her trouser pocket. Then she starts wriggling around on the floor straining against her bonds. Nadine watches her in complete bewilderment. Kat pulls at the thick rope trying to create a space between her hands. After struggling at the rope, twisting and turning her hands she managed to get a gap of about 6 inches of rope between her wrists. Still bound, but not as tightly she rolls onto her side edging her hands and rope down over her thighs. From behind her gag she gives a cry of frustration as she pulled the rope down over her arse, ignoring the pain as the rope burned into her wrists. She clenched her eyes shut then gave it one more almighty tug. Her hands slipped down behind her knees. Her eyes opened as she sighed in relief relaxing for a few seconds. Then she rolled onto her back with her knees bent up to her chest.
If the situation wasn't so serious Nadine probably would have laughed seeing Kat in that position. Continuing to wriggle around, like an insect that's fallen onto it's back and can't get upright, Kat lowered the rope more, then manoeuvring her legs into a position that Nadine and Alan considered impossible, she managed to force one hand over the top of her leg. Nadine suddenly realising what Kat was attempting to do tried to sit up, her eyes filled with hope. Again, grimacing with determination and pain, Kat bent her other leg through.

She sits up with her hands still bound, but now in front of her. She reaches up pulling off her gag first, then looking at her tied hands she smiled smugly.
"Ha," she declared at her bonds.
She sniffed, then raising both hands she tried to wipe away the blood on her face. Her wrist accidentally brushes against her nose causing her to wince then cry out in pain.

"Ow. I think the bastard broke my nose," she grumbled.

She turned to Nadine,
"We have got to get out off here then find Karen," she panted.

Nadine nods back at her. Alan using his legs pushed himself along the ground trying to get closer to them. Kat reaches down to her pocket, then withdrew a little silver object. Nadine squinted in confusion trying to work out what she's holding in her fist. Kat presses a small button on the bottom of the object and immediately a blade sprang out.
Nadine smiled from behind her gag, in her mind she decided never again would she nag Kat about carrying a weapon around with her. Kat twists her hands around so she can cut through the rope, then she begins sawing through it.
As soon as she's free she crawls over to Nadine then rips her gag away. Nadine takes a couple of deep breaths then smiles broadly,
"You and your clever little switchblade rule, I love you," her voice was filled with relief.

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