Chapter 15: the argument

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(Richies pov)
I abruptly stood up form the rock I was sitting on. Everyone was staring at me, I wasn't looking at them, but I could feel their eyes on me. I was still very very angry. The rage was flowing through me and I just wanted to stomp around like a 2 year old child, but I didn't. Then my mouth opened and words, no, not words, my rage came out.
"WELL ATLEAST YOU HAVE PARENTS THAT CARE!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. I quickly put both my hands over my mouth, realizing now that my eyes were starting to water. I was shocked, and I couldn't move while the rest of the losers stay quiet, not know what to say.

After 3 long seconds, I sprinted for the trees, running as fast as my legs could carry me.

(Eddies pov)
"RICHIE WAIT!" I yelled, trying my best to catch up to him. Damn he runs fast. I was getting really out of breath...I had to take my inhaler. But I couldn't stop running I had to get to Richie. I can't lose him. I don't exactly know what's going on or why he's so angry but I'm determined to figure it out because, I love him. He's my best friend...and who knows maybe could be even more than that?

When Richie reaches the woods after a 2 minutes of running across the field, he collapses onto a log, with me following close behind.

I slow my running and almost run into a tree. After coming to a complete stop I fall to the ground, gasping for air. I reach for my fanny pack and I try to search for the inhaler but I don't have the strength to do so. Richie searches in it and finds it. I grab it and inhale the medicine. We are both breathing too hard to say anything and we sit there for a moment, letting the awkward but comfortable silence hang over our heads.

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