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Alexander hurried to his detention that night, already late from dinner. He hadn't seen Hawthorn since their conversation earlier, and his head was buzzing from the fact that he now knew the truth as well as from the fact that he found out that Hawthorn himself was actually gay.
He sighed knocking on the door to his office to have it swing open almost immediately. He took a step in to see that he wasn't there yet.

"I hope he didn't go looking for me" Alexander thought to himself.

He sighed, just leaning against the wall when he heard footsteps coming down the hall.

"Oh, Mr. Faulkner, I was just looking for you since you hadn't shown up yet" Hawthorn said as he walked in.

"Sorry, Sir. I lost track of time while at dinner and I didn't realize that I was late" Alexander said quickly.

"I'm just glad you're eating again. Mr. Faulkner, considering the circumstances, this isn't really detention. As far as I'm concerned, you punching Berkeley has been the highlight of the school year and it's only the second day. No this is more or less counseling, if you want it" he said, sitting behind his desk.

"O-Of course, um, what do you have in mind" Alexander confused.

"Well, first of all take a seat" Hawthorn smiled at him.

Alexander nodded as he sat down across from him, folding his hands in his lap.

"Alexander, how are you" he asked gently.

"I suppose alright, just tired" Alexander sighed.

"You mentioned earlier that you had to do 'things' over the summer to keep you and your brother alive, what did you mean by that" he asked softly.

"I didn't tell you that, Sir. That was a conversation between Oliver and I" Alexander asked confused.

"I know it was. I spoke with Oliver earlier this evening about it but he said you were very vague about everything" he replied.

"I'd rather not talk about it, Sir" Alexander sighed, looking away from him.

"Why not? What are you hiding" he asked gently.

"I can't talk about it, alright" Alexander sighed, growing more and more annoyed as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Why not? Are you in danger if you do" he asked, leaning forward.

"It's better if you stop asking questions. For your safety" Alexander said quietly.

"Does Professor Madison need to get involved" he asked, standing up.

"No! I've taken care of it" Alexander squeaked suddenly scared.

"Alexander, you're barely eighteen. You don't have to do this alone" he said more calmly than before.

"Please, just stop asking questions, I don't want them to kill you" Alexander squeaked as tears welled in his eyes.

"You haven't given me many options, Alexander. Who are they" he asked gently, coming to the front of his desk and leaning against it.

"I c-can't tell you, please, just don't tell anyone about this conversation" Alexander begged as tears slid down his cheeks.

"Are you in a gang" he asked gently.

"No. It's more than that" Alexander whispered.

"Who have you gotten yourself involved with" he pressed.

"I can't bloody tell you" Alexander said, finally snapping from his now frayed nerves.

"Mafia? Government officials? Foreign officials? Give me something to work with" Hawthorn snapped back.

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