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"Hello, Alexander! My name is Dr. Madison and I am here to help you become adjusted to your new lifestyle and help you address any potential concerns you may have, as well as provide adequate counseling" Dr. Madison said from where he sat across from me at his desk.

"It's nice to meet you. What do you want to talk about" Alexander asked quietly as he pulled his knees up into his chest.

"You. Your relationships, how you're holding up but, most importantly, helping you find yourself" he replied.

"Well, where do you want to begin" Alexander asked.

"Before last summer. What did you have planned for your future? You were going into your final year of schooling before university, what were your plans" he asked.

"I was planning on attending Cambridge or potentially studying in the U.S. as a backup" Alexander sighed.

"You must have really high marks in your classes and on your A-levels and your GCEs to have plans like that" he said, slightly surprised.

"I studied a lot and was going to graduate with high honors," Alexander sighed.

"Were you involved with anything else in school" he asked.

"I...No, I wasn't," Alexander replied.

"Why do I not believe you" he asked.

"It's not important," Alexander said, shaking his head as he looked away from Madison.

"Alexander, if it made you happy or was something you enjoyed doing, it is very important. I want to get to know you, all of you, so that I can help you" he said gently.

"I-I used to like painting a lot" Alexander said shakily as he wrapped his arms around his knees.

"I take it you still do to some extent" he asked.

Alexander just nodded as he looked away from him.

"Can I see some of your work, I'm sure it's amazing" he asked.

"It's really not, but s-sure" Alexander squeaked as he pulled out his phone and pulled up his most recent painting which was his portrait of Tom before handing it to Madison.

"This is Agent Hawthorn, correct" he asked as he studied the photo.

"Yes, it is" Alexander squeaked.

"This is amazing, Alexander! Am I allowed to look at a few others as well" he asked.

"Y-Yes, you can" Alexander whispered as he started biting his nails.

"Hey, stop that. It's not good for you" Madison said kindly, gently pulling Alexander's hands away from his face.

"S-Sorry" Alexander squeaked.

"Don't be but there are better ways to cope with your anxiety" he replied as he handed the phone back to Alexander.

Alexander just nodded as he blushed slightly.

"Your artwork is stunning, you really should show it more" he said softly.

"T-Thanks, but it's really private to me" Alexander squeaked.

"Okay, take your time. The one thing I wanted to talk to you about is why do you have a giant painting of Agent Hawthorn" he asked.

"Him and I are really close," Alexander sighed.

"I take it that you two may be more than just close seeing as you're sharing a flat" he asked.

"Yes, we are romantically involved" Alexander whispered.

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