Chapter 4

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Addison's Pov
Before our lips could connect there was a knock at the door. I rolled my eyes about to get up but Dixie pulled me back down connecting our lips. It took me only a moment but I kissed back sitting on her lap. Before she could deepen the kiss however there was another bang on the door. " ugh coming " I yelled attempting to get up but Dixie grabbed my waist " to be continued" I said to Dixie pulling back resting my head on her head.

" or you could ignore it" she whispered her eyes were a deeper shade than they usually were if I didn't know any better I'd say she was horny.

" I told everyone I was in here remember, " I said pecking her lips before making my way to the door. She fell back on the bed groaning hands covering her face.

" coming" I yelled impatiently so the person didn't knock again. I made my way to the door fixing my appearance slightly in hopes I don't look a mess.

" you look good now open it before I attack you," Dixie said turning to look me up and down I blushed at her comment mind going through thousands of scenarios where she did attack me oh the thing I would do to her if I didn't have to get this door.
I opened the door to be met by the other Damelio sister my blush not fading but trying to regain my composure.

" hey, Addison have you seen Dixie," Charli asked looking down at her phone shooting a text to who I can only assume is Dixie.

" in here" Dixie yelled causing Charli to walk right in past me I was used to this at this point everyone just barging into my room.

" Hey, Dix when were you gonna tell me you and Tayler were a thing" She scolded her older sister pulling up Tayler's recent Instagram story I couldn't help but roll my eyes of course just as quick as my jealously left it came rushing back.

" we're not a thing," Dixie said monotoned that's my girl you better-set shit straight.

" really well according to this you are," She said shoving the phone in her face causing me to laugh at the sibling exchange. Currently, Dixie was laying down with her head hanging from my bed with Charli kneeling in front of her shoving her phone on her phone. It was like watching a bad interrogation.

" C'mon just be honest your totally hooking up with him I saw him leave here shirtless last night," Charli said Dixie instantly cringe looking at me.

" shirtless," I asked what the fuck were they doing that he needed to be shirtless.

" We weren't hooking up he was being stupid," Dixie said rolling her eyes she looked nervous answering almost like she didn't know how to explain what was going on. She better explains this shit there's no way a shirtless dude left her room at 3:00 am. Especially the guy is the same guy she's been seen posted all lovey-dovey with. She better has a good fucking explanation for this or I'm about to go ballistic on her ass.

" sure lemme guess y'all are just friends," Charli asked placing her head on her sister's head allowing their eyes to be on the same level.

" yes, just friends" Dixie said slightly head butting her sister. I got tired of the back and forth so I decided to leave my room and get something to eat. I made my way downstairs to the kitchen only to find Tayler sitting and eating a bowl of cereal on his phone does he live here now.

" hey, Ads wassup" He greeted eating his captain crunch.

" nothing came for a snack" I simply said looking through the cabinets for something to munch on.

"There are some chips in the bottom cabinet," he said I gave him a weird look dudes been here way too much he simply shrugged going back to his cereal and phone. I grabbed me a bag of lays threw them in a bowl and sat two chairs next to him eating.

" so you and Dixie huh, " I asked cringing at my own words he looked up at me smirking.

" what about us," he asked in this smug fucking tone that made me wanna punch him in the face.

" I don't know though y'all were hooking up or something " I tried to ask as nonchalant as possible but it came out a bit passive-aggressive if I'm being honest.

" Did she say that?" he asked excitedly I rolled my eyes.

" Nah just saw your post" I lied eating my chips waiting for his response.

" oh that Nah we aren't hooking up, " He said sadly slurping the rest of his cereal " I keep confessing my feelings but she keeps turning me down any advice you know being her bestie and all," He said I almost felt bad for the guy keyword almost the shit-eating grin on my face said otherwise.

" honestly dude if she keeps turning you down you should give up I've never known Dixie to change her mind once it made up" I explained truthfully the smile never leaving my face he looked at me suspiciously before sighing.

" you're probably right," he said hoping up to put his bowl away poor dude he looked sad. " I'm throwing a sick party tonight I was gonna invite everyone gotta to make sure a hottie like you is at my party," He said immediately trying to flirt with me to think I started to feel bad for his ass.

" I'll see I think I have plans later," I said shrugging my shoulders not really having plans.

"cool just FYI Bryce will be there," He said before waving goodbye. Of course, my ex is gonna be there he's Tayler's best friend after all.

After Tayler left I decided to make my way back upstairs to my room hopefully they've all vacated so I can take a nap.  To my surprise, Dixie was still here. She was laying on my bed wrapped in the blankets taking a nap. I smiled at the sight she's so adorable how does someone look so pretty while sleeping I decided to join her. I moved the blanket gently as to not wake her before joining her under the blanket wrapping my arms around her I felt her body relax into my touch as I closed my eyes drifting to sleep.

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