Chapter 21

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Addison's Pov
Honestly I was hoping Dixie would chase after me. Like the whole reason I stormed out was so she could chase after me. You know how romantic that would have been but I guess she's too high to care. I wonder how long she can pretend not to care when I'm ignoring her ass.

" Addison are you okay," Charli asked taking me out of my thoughts. We've been walking in silence for a while now since we left the room. I honestly didn't notice because I kinda spaced out.

" yeah all good just wanna enjoy my vacation y' know no amount of negativity can bring me down " I responded smiling to indicate I was okay as I looked out towards the beach. It was really nice outside not too warm but also not too cold the perfect day for a swim.

" I love that idea actually I got an even better one tho if ya'll down" Avani said typing away at her phone causing me to turn and look at her.

" what do you have in mind," I asked as we kept walking we were getting close to the beach but it was still a far walk.

" well I know for a fact chase and Anthony brought their fake id's so we can probably score some drinks at the beach " Avani said wiggling her eyebrows causing me to laugh.

" actually the drinking age is 18 here so I think I can get us some without any problems " I said nonchalantly if I'm being honest I looked it up on the plane.

" Great let's hurry everyone's already there were the last ones," Avani said pulling me towards the beach.

" I don't know guys I'm not really a drinker" Charli said causing us to pause and look back at her. " I've tried but it's not really my thing " She started to explain playing with her fingers nervously before Avani cut her off.

" all good charls we'll get you something virgin to sip on," Avani said stopping her from playing with her hands and wrapping her arms around charli's shoulders. " speaking of virgin" Avani started to say mostly to Charli but I overheard causing Charli to roll her eyes at her.

" don't start" She said walking ahead of the both of us as fast as possible.

" shit I didn't mean to offend you I was just messing around" Avani yelled chasing after Charli causing me to laugh. Every time Avani tried to hug her Charli would dodge it. I attempted to take out my phone to film them but couldn't find it.

" Hey guys did one of you see my phone" I yelled catching up to them causing them to stop playing around.

" Nah I think you left it in the room" Charli said pointing towards my floor.

" wanna go back we'll come with you" Avani said waiting for my response. I look back at how far we were from the hotel. there's no way I'm walking all the way back just to walk all the way back here again.

" Nah it'll be nice to be unplugged for once" I responded deciding it was better not to besides I didn't wanna see Dixie right now anyways.

" good because that was a long-ass walk " Avani said pulling the both of us to the beach. Once there we quickly spotted the boys and Maddi standing by the tiki hut.

" Hey guys" I greeted moving closer to hug each of them.

" aw hey ads it's good to see you I tried stopping by your room last night but there was a do not disturb sign on the door" Maddi said smirking causing me to blush.

" yeah sorry it was late and I was really tired," I said technically it wasn't a lie I was really tired after my flight.

" mhmm yeah I bet Dixie got you real tired out didn't she" Chase yelled making a humping gesture with his arms causing me to roll my eyes. Charli smacked him on the arm to get him to stop but he simply laughed continuing to dry hump the air.

" wow real mature " Avani said next to me.

" speaking of where is Dixie you're usually joined at the hips," Anthony asked looking behind me as if he was expecting her to pop out of nowhere.

" probably still in our room" I simply said shrugging my shoulders.

" I bet she is after we left nick's room she was gone like another planet gone" Chase said taking down his shades to show us his red eyes winking at me.

" not you too" Charli said tapping him on the head.

" relax babe I'm just enjoying my vacation there's nothing wrong with a Lil R & R " Chase said kissing her on the top of her head stopping anything she had to say next.

" I don't think you need anymore R&R I think you've lost enough brain cells " Avani said causing us to burst out laughing.

" watch it clown girl" Chase threatened but Avani simply gave him the middle finger.

" Anyways, that would explain her recent post" Maddi said as Anthony came around handing us all tropical drinks. I didn't even tell him what I wanted but I guess he wanted to treat us all. He is sweet like that sometimes.

" what post," I asked looking down at Maddi's phone to see what she was talking about.

" oh she posted some lovey-dovey pic of her and griffin now that chase said something she gotta be high they've been interacting none-stop on Twitter since we got here it's kinda weird," Maddi said showing me the picture of Dixie and griffin captioned really missing this one. I couldn't help but roll my eyes of course she didn't chase after me she was too busy pleasing her publicist.

" that explains it gotta keep her fake relationship going after all," I said to taste the drink it didn't really taste alcoholic " hey Anthony is there any liquor in this, " I asked changing the subject in need of a distraction. Anthony quickly whipped his head around to me.

" uh yeah sorry did you not want any I can get you another one " He said causing me to shake my head no.

" no this is good thank you" I said taking a huge gulp causing everyone to look at me weird.

" slow down dude we're in no rush" Chase said laughing also taking a sip of his drink. Everyone took pictures of their own drinks before starting up a conversation. It was nice catching up with everyone it was peaceful.

" I'm gonna go switch mine "Charli said after taking a picture of the coconut attempting to move to the tiki hut.

" wait I'll take it " I yelled stopping her in her tracks she simply turned to look at me suspiciously.

" you sure that's a good idea I don't want you overdoing it" Charli said causing me to stop for a second and think. Maybe I should slow down on the drinking after all we have all week to relax. It's not like we don't have the freedom considering our parents weren't here.

"holy shit guys you'll never guess who's here" Anthony yelled taking me out of my thoughts.

" who," We all asked turning towards the boy and his phone.

" Bryce he just got here he texted me hoping we could all link up later apparently he's throwing a lil get together in his suite" Anthony said reading his text out loud. You gotta be kidding me why is he even here.

" fuck yeah you know Bryce's party bout to be lit I'm so down " Chase said pumping his arms in the air. However the attention was all on me after what Anthony said.

" Charli please pass me the coconut" I said turning back to Charli finishing the giant coconut in own my hand first. This is about to be one hell of a week.

A/N Underage drinking is very bad ( I got a fake ID tho ) Hope y'all ready cause shits about to go down 😈😈😈

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