Chapter 5

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Dixie Pov
I woke up to weight on my back I attempted to move but couldn't. I soon realized Addison was holding me sound asleep I smiled at least she's not mad at me. I hate making people mad at me after Charli said Tayler left shirtless I knew for a fact she'd be mad. Did Tayler and I hook up of course not did he however kiss me, yes yes he did? I couldn't tell Addison that though things are just starting to be okay between us I can't ruin that.

I turned the best I could in her arms gazing at her beauty. She really was beautiful nothing I've ever seen before. How could I tell her he had kissed me last night after taking off his shirt to show me how " muscular" he was his words, not mine. Fuck I got it bad just watching her sleep makes my heart flutter. I don't wanna ruin this so yes I didn't tell her and I never will.

" I can feel you staring" she mumbled a soft smile rising to her cheeks I blushed moving in to kiss them.

"felt that," I asked pulling back she smiled still not opening her eyes.

" nope" she joked I smirked gaining an idea. I flipped her on to her back pressing my knee lightly into her crotch causing her eyes to open.

" I know you felt that" I laughed smirking down at her she pouted. I connected our lips to kiss the pout away before deciding this wasn't enough I needed more. I swiped my tongue over her bottom lip asking for entrance which she gladly gave me but instead of deepening the kiss I moved to her neck. Lightly biting on it before sucking on the spot causing her to moan softly pushing me into her.

" wait" she whispered I pulled back looking into her eyes thinking I had overstepped somehow.

"wassup" I asked please don't tell me to stop I thought.

" The door's not locked," she said unable to look me in the eye I smirked making a move to go lock it but she wrapped her legs around my waist.

" babe I gotta be able to move to lock the door," I said laughing at how adorable she was acting.

" I don't want you to move through," she said in all seriousness before pulling my collar pulling me back into a kiss that quickly got heated. Once again I swiped my tongue over her bottom lip for access but instead of giving me access she slipped her tongue in my mouth causing me to moan. We quickly started to fight for dominance she was about to win but before she could I bit down on her bottom lip slightly sucking on it going back in for a kiss, after that she quickly submitted to me placing her hand in my hair pulling me closer. We were having a full-on make-out session at this point she was pulling me so close there was no space between us. She tugged at my sweatshirt indicating she wanted me to take it off but I ignored her moving back to my assault on her neck. My goal was to make it very hard for her to cover her neck later.

" don't leave a mark" she moaned I smirked against her skin way too late for that. While I continued my assault on her neck I moved my hand under her shirt squeezing her boob. Again she pulled at my shirt but I ignored her toying with her nipple through her bra. " babe" she said eyes closing leaning back on the pillow I mumbled in response in her neck " maybe we should stop" she said eyes still closed biting her lips nervously I stopped my movements to look her in the eye.

" if you want to," I said in all seriousness not really wanting to stop she shook her head looking up at the wall. " we can always watch a movie," I said she looked unsure hand still in her shirt circling the outline of her boob.

" can we," she said in a shy voice I smiled moving my hand.

" of course whatever you want beautiful," I said sitting up running my hand through my hair to calm down.

" you're not mad are you," she asked sadly I shook my head.

" Nah whenever you're ready," I said I'm all honesty I was in no rush.

" good cause I really like you and I don't want us to rush this ya know," she said unwrapping her legs to sit up I was a little sad at the loss of contact but decided to ignore it

" of course I understand let's take things at our own pace okay," I said as she reached for her laptop placing it on the bed as she pecked my cheek before laying down.

" cool so big spoon or Lil spoon," she asked pulling up Netflix I smiled taking my spot behind her cuddling up to her.

" big spoon duh," I said tickling her cheek she laughed as we both started to look for a movie to watch.

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