Chapter 23

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Addison Pov
" babe can you walk me back to our room I'm getting tired" I whispered into Dixie's ear she simply nodded before getting up and pulling me up with her.

" we're gonna head out catch up with you guys later," She said wrapping a protective arm around my waist to keep me level.

" mhmm don't tire each other out and miss the party," Chase said winking at us I simply rolled my eyes at him.

" how about this we'll meet you outside our room at around 11, " She said I nodded.if I'm being honest could barely open my mouth to speak not that I wanted to anyways.

" I was thinking we'd pre-game at mine I'll have nick bring some more bud have ourselves a pre-party before the party," Chase said.

" more drinking"  Charli mumbles loud enough for us all to hear.

" yes, more drinking not because you wanna be boring doesn't me the rest of us have to be, "  Chase said laughing I looked up to see Charli frowning. Aw poor char why is he being a dick.

" Not everyone's an alcoholic like you, " I said glaring at the boy for making my friend sad. Everyone turned to look at me surprised but I kept my eyes focused on him.

" Look who's talking you can barely stand on your own sweetheart"  he countered smirking Dixie squeezed my side gently in an attempt to calm me down.

" at least my girlfriend will carry me if I go too far the level of an asshole you're being I wouldn't blame Charli if she left you on the sand for the lifeguards to find". I said moving away from Dixie leveling myself as I walked towards the e-boy.

" ha Charli will do anything for me after all I am her first and you know what they say about your first" Chase said taking another hit of his vape before winking at Charli who look at him in shock. Everything happened so fast my brain barely caught up because within seconds Charli ran away crying.

" what the fuck Chase, " Dixie said attempting to move towards him but I blocked her.

" what I didn't even do anything she's probably on her period or something you know how you girls are," he said shrugging his shoulders.

" dude not cool," Anthony said from behind him but again he simply shrugged.

" girls are sensitive and that's a fact you know it and I know it Charli is just being sensitive she'll get over it," He said in all seriousness. There's no way he can be this much of a douche.

" I'll fucking show sensitive you twig, " Dixie said leaping past me with speed to attack a now fleeing Chase.

" dixie chill, " Avani said moving to stop her but couldn't get around in time. Luckily Anthony managed to stand in between them.

" everybody chills out okay Dixie you take care of Addison, Avani will look after Charli," Anthony said looking over at Avani before giving her a nod. She quickly moved towards where Charli ran taking out her phone to what I assume is to call Charli. " as for Chase me and you need to talk buddy" Anthony said in a very threatening tone.

" I'll pass I'm gonna go light up with Nick because y'all are acting like parent also I'll just head to Bryce's myself and pre-game with him instead," Chase said walking around Anthony but not in front of Dixie. A part of me knew the boy was scared of the older girl and it made me laugh.

" something funny Addison," he asks my smile faded as I rolled my eyes at him as a response. " that's what I thought," He said before walking away from us.

" you're a fucking punk " Dixie yelled at him he simply flipped her off from behind " I swear if I get my hand on his Lil ass imma snap him into two," She said anger evident in her voice. I don't know whether or not it's the alcohol in my system but I'm definitely feeling a Lil tingle from the way she's acting.

" let's go back to the room," I said intertwining our hands pulling her slightly. I watched her run her hand through her hair out of frustration I couldn't help but bite my lip as I watched. " now" I said in a low voice hoping she caught the hint but sadly she didn't.

" I'm going to get you a bottle of water first before we start heading back," She said letting go of my hand to move towards the cabana.

" imma go find Avani then I'll see you guys later please don't do anything crazy, " Anthony said before running off in the direction of the girls. I decided to walk along the beach not too far though so she can still see me. While I was walking I saw a girl around my age making a Tiktok on the beach. I decided to see which video she was making and possibly make one with her. " hi" I said softly as I approach her not to startle her.

" holy shit you're Addison Rae, " She said almost dropping her phone out her hand.

" that I am and you are," I asked smiling as I extended my hand.

" Ashley I love your TikTok they always make me smile," She said shaking my hand making my smile grow wider " not to mention you have the most beautiful smile ever it's truly contagious, " she said smiling with me.

" aw thank you that's so sweet of you can I film a tiktok with you," I asked hoping she'd say yes.

" Are you kidding me it would be my honor" She said fumbling to open the tiktok app.

" what sound do you wanna use is it a dance or do you want me to lipsync, " I said fixing my hair a bit rubbing the sand off my body to look presentable.

" uh I hope this isn't inappropriate but I was already filming the one that goes if back it back up do you know which sound I'm talking about it has like a whip sound in it" she explained I laughed softly.

" yeah, I know it do you want me to throw it back or just watch," I asked she instantly blushed.

" uh, whichever one you prefer,"  she said placing her phone in the sand.

" I'll dance with you,"  I said before looking around to see if I could see Dixie and I did she was talking to some guy at the cabana. It seemed like he was a comedian or something because she was laughing. Why is she laughing she was just mad 10 seconds ago this guy can't be that funny.

" uh you ready," she asked I nodded while she put on the timer. Once the timer hit 2 I noticed Dixie looking in my direction confused I simply shrugged before throwing it back on the girl smiling for the cameras. I completely took her off guard she was flustered and stopped dancing to just watch me while I continued the dance. After the video, she stopped it quickly.

" was not expecting that is it okay if I post it," she asked I noticed how red her cheeks we're it was adorable.

" Yeah I'm sorry did I make you uncomfortable that's usually how the trend goes I hope I didn't cross the line, " I said feeling a Lil guilty because my intentions weren't that pure. I intentionally threw it back on her because I knew Dixie would be watching. After our Lil fight the morning I wanted to make her upset to see if she cares.

" no no are you kidding Addison Rae just threw it back on me in a bikini this is by far the best day of my life," she said smiling before uploading the video.

," aw tag me in that please can we take some pictures together, " I said before she handed me her phone I posed making a couple of goofy faces switching them up as we took a couple. Our last photo was one of me air-kissing her cheek before we were interrupted.

" what's going on over here"

A/n honestly fuck Wattpad I wrote this whole chapter but it got deleted. Anyways the next two chapters will be the party then one more before the last chapter. Thank you so much for the support and patients I started working again so I haven't had that much time to sit a write but I been writing ideas and stuff down to help me finish this the best way possible. Enjoy I'll try to upload chapter 24 on Saturday.

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