Chapter 24

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Dixie Pov

" what was that all about," I asked as Me and Addison made our way back to the hotel.

" just a fan asking for a video I am still allowed to interact with them you know," she said stumbling a bit as she walked away from me.

" not while drunk, you aren't besides you were flirting with her you cant get their hopes up like that she could've gotten the wrong impression  " i said jogging slightly to catch up with her. Honestly why is she acting so oblivious that girl was clearly gay.

" and what impression is that " She asked stopping to turn towards me.

" that you're i don't know gay or something" I said she rolled her eyes.

" Dixie if you haven't realized yet i've seen you naked i'm not exactly straight either" She yelled placing her hands on her hips.

" yeah but like gay for her ' I said shyly looking down at my feet in embarrassment .

" sometimes you just act too cute for your own good I'm still mad at you but I'm gonna kiss you don't expect anything else though" she said causing me to smile as she leaned in for a kiss.

" oh my god" we heard pausing our action to look at where the sound came from " are y'all dating oh my god my friends aren't gonna believe this this is awesome I'm so gonna tweet this" the fan from earlier said going off on a rant.

" no please don't it's not what you think we were just sharing chapstick " I said quickly face palming myself mentally for the dumb reply.

" really" she said raising her eyebrow in disbelief if I were here I wouldn't believe me either.

" do I gotta do everything's around her hear me out kid what you saw is not for the public eye how about this I post a TikTok with the both of us tag you so you get a bunch of clout in exchange  you don't post what you saw I doubt anyone will believe you either way Dixie is in a public relationship and you know there's tons of post online about dixision so at most it'll sound like you're gossiping I'll take the deal if I were you" Addison said seriously moving forward to look at the girl directly.

" deal " She said clapping her hands in joy. " so what do you wanna do you wanna take it now or later" she asked grabbing her phone quickly causing it to fall " shit" she yelled rushing to pick it up as soon as possible.

" I'm tired rn I had a long day and a even longer night ahead how about this I follow you on TikTok you send me the one we took together and I post it on my feed when I get the chance " she said smiling lightly at the girl in front of her . I immediately knew it was fake she was doing this all for me and my stupid publicity stunt there's no way she's really smiling. This must be killing her.

" I'll even give you a follow on Twitter to sweeten the deal" I said causing her to look my way now.

" no offense I'm not that big of a fan could you get Charli to follow me that'll be amazing " she said playing with her phone in hand. You gotta be kidding me what kind of disrespectful bullshit is she on.

" pass " I said rolling my eyes.

" suit yourself I can at least tweet how much of a bitch you are people will definitely believe that" she said showing me the middle finger.

" hey chill she didn't do anything wrong look we gotta go okay" Addison said quickly turning away grabbing my hand and running inside the hotel.

" wait you don't got my username" she yelled I rolled my eyes as Addison dragged me into the stairwell.

" well here's our exercise for the day " she said looking up the stairs.

" you're kidding we're on the 12th floor "  I said already panting from the little running we did.

" I'm kidding I'm calling security they're gonna come help us get back to our room" she said grabbing her phone immediately dialing a number.

" you don't think she'll come look for us will she"  I said staring at the door.

" probably to be safe let's walk up at least 3 flights" she said making her way up the stairs. " actually let's walk up one then get off an grab the elevator duh" she said face palming herself.

" hey addi I'm sorry I know you were trying to protect me and I made things worse" I said rubbing the back if my next .

" it's okay she was being a bitch anyways now come on I wanna take a nap before the party" she said lightly jogging up the stairs giving me an amazing view of her ass.

" oh right the party"

A/n NGL I forgot all about this story I stopped staning Addison so I lost interest Lowkey. However I kept getting comments and stuff asking me to continue so imma try to finish it no promises tho .

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