Chapter 22

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Dixie's Pov
" hey, dix what's up," Bryce said completely taking me off, guard.

" what the fuck are you doing here" In my defense, I may have said that a bit more hostile than I intended to but He's not supposed to even be in the Bahamas. It's clear he wants Addison back that's the only explanation for him being here. And I'll be damned if he takes my girl from me.

" wow, no need to get your panties in a twist I'm here on vacation just like you," He said smirking at me before looking behind me. I looked closely at him I never noticed just how punchable his face is.

"Well enjoy your vacation bye," I said quickly attempting to walk away from him as quickly as possible.

" wait uh have you seen Addison around I've been trying to hit her up but been getting no response," he said walking up next to me.

" no, why you looking for her," I asked coming to a stop crossing my arms over my chest.

" oh uh she has something of mine is all never mind I'll probably see her at my party later," He said before attempting to walk away.

" what party, " I asked causing him to stop.

" the one in my suite later around 9  you should totally pull up it's gonna be lit I got strippers and everything," He said continuing to walk towards the elevator not stopping his movements.

" Maybe but I think Charli and I got dinner plans later" I attempted to lie. There's no way I'm going to his suite and if I know my girlfriend I know she wouldn't be caught dead at Bryce's party.

" Whatever you say see you later, "  He said before hopping on the elevator. I decided to take the stairs not wanting to talk to him anymore. I quickly picked my phone out to call Charli as I walked down.

" hey wassup," She answered I quickly heard a whole bunch of noise in the background.

" where are you guys, " I asked regretting walking down the stairs immediately considering my room was on the 8th floor.

"I don't know if I should tell you Addison is still pissed at you," She said causing me to roll my eyes.

" Charli," I said in a warning tone letting her know I wasn't in the mood to be played with.

" fine we're on the beach I'll share my location so you can find us, " She said sending me her location. I only made it down 4 flights before walking to find the elevator. That's enough exercise for today.

" Thanks see you soon," I said hoping onto the elevator pressing the lobby button.

" fair warning your girlfriends kinda tipsy rn so be on your best behavior " Charli whispered into the phone. What the fuck who gave her booze.

" what how much has she drank, " I asked quickly hoping out the elevator speed walking towards Charli's location.

" she's on her third coconut scratch that her fourth one now she's downing them really quickly, "  She said I could hear the gang talking in the background but couldn't pick up on what they were saying.

" Is she okay?" I asked picking up my speed if I'm being honest I'm worried Addison is a huge lightweight.

" yeah I think so she's having a flip contest with Avani it's kinda funny they're both tipsy and keep stumbling into the sand you need to see this it's hilarious, " Charli said laughing loudly into my ear.

" I see you guys I'm almost there," I said hanging up watching as Addison tried to do a handstand but falling on her ass laughing.  " hey guys" I yelled running towards them Addison looked up at me then pouted. Guess she still mad at me.

" Hey, do you want a coconut" Anthony asked taking a picture of Avani's flip.

" yes please I'm thirsty," I said glancing over at Addison in her Bikini.

" I bet" Chase said noticing my gaze taking a hit of his vape.

" alcohol or no alcohol " Anthony asked getting up out of his seat

" none for me please, " I said if Addison about to get plastered I'm gonna need to be sober to take care of her.

" why no alcohol Dixie," Avani asked taking a seat on the sand with Addison. I simply shrugged my shoulder making my way over to Addison bending down to her level.

" you okay beautiful, " I said noticing she didn't say anything since I arrived.

" I'm still mad at you but you're very pretty and it's making it's hard," She said reaching over to touch my face getting sand on my cheek.

" well, how about we call a truce for right now then talk later," I said laughing not really caring that there's sand on my face.

" deal now sit," She said kissing me on the lips before patting the space next to me

" Okay, " I said doing as I was told taking my spot next to her. Immediately after I sat down she rested her head on my shoulder.

" My head feels funny " she whispered attempting to take another sip of her coconut but missing the straw.

" I bet, " I said laughing enjoying the view of the beach. After a few moments of silence, Anthony passed me my own coconut to sip on.

" so Dixie Bryce is here and he's throwing a rager you down," Chase said gaining my attention.

" uh I don't know I saw him before I got here he said they'll be strippers," I said.

" hell yeah," Chase yelled causing me to raise an eyebrow "  I mean we get to hang with a friend while on vacation what's not to love," Chase said looking around awkwardly.

" well okay anyways here you go," I said handing Addison her phone she yawned before taking it from me going through her notifications.

" Thanks," She said tapping away at her phone.

" babe you okay with me going" I heard Anthony ask Avani causing me to smile.

" yeah I mean Bryce is one of your bros so it'll be wrong for me to say no but I'm definitely coming with, " she said giving him a pointed look he simply laughed kissing her on the forehead.

" I'm not going not my scene," Charli said causing me to nod before glancing down at Addison's phone. I know it's wrong but I had to see if she was replying to Bryce so far she hadn't.

" well, I am it's about to be lit knowing Bryce there's gonna be a shit ton of booze, bud, and bitches" Chase yelled taking another hit of his Juul we all looked at him weird while Charli frowned. I gotta check on her later on when we're alone Chase is acting like an ass.

" I think we should go it should be fun," Addison said causing me to look down at her. I was about to say something when I noticed Bryce's contact name from the corner of my eyes. She looked up at me before locking her phone. Turning her attention back to everyone in front of us.

" Fine I'll come too someone gotta keep y'all in check and all," Charli said voice null of all emotions.

" guess we're going to Bryce's"

A/N : Missed me

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