Chapter 19

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Addison Pov
" babe you awake," Dixie whispered into my ears gently shaking me a bit. I had just landed in the Bahamas last night and Jet lag was fighting my ass hardcore. The rest of the gang had already been here since yesterday so they've managed to rest up. I, on the other hand, haven't been able to get much rest since I landed. Dixie's horny ass was no help either the second I got here she practically attacked me.

" No," I said stuffing my face into my pillow hoping to drift back to sleep. I felt her shift I could only assume to get out of bed.

" Okay but I'm going to get food with Nick," She said before disappearing into the bathroom. I remembered the faint sound of the shower turning on before I fell back to sleep.

"yo open the door" I heard someone banging on my hotel door waking me from my slumber. I quickly rushed over to the peephole to see Avani and Charli waiting on the other side.

" Hey what's up," I  said rubbing the sleep out of my eyes opening the door.

" bitch we did not come to the Bahamas for you to be sleeping, "Avani said bursting into my room Charli following close behind.

" get dressed we're going swimming, " Charli said taking a seat on my bed Avani simple stood hands on her hip waiting.

" I wouldn't sit there Charls you don't know what dixision been up to," Avani said causing Charli to jump up off the bed me blushing in response.

" ew, I did not need to know that" Charli yelled standing far away from my bed as if it was about to attack her. Both I and Avani simply looked at each other laughing at her response.

" put on something sexy we're gonna take pictures, " Avani said shooing me to the bathroom before turning to observe the state of me and Dixie's room. Dixie had left all her makeup out in the open as well as leaving her suitcase open while her clothes were spiraled out on her side of the bed " how do you deal with this mess" Avani asked I simply shrugged knowing Dixie will eventually clean it up before making my way towards the bathroom to get ready.

" can one of you order me something light to eat and some coffee please " I yelled from inside the bathroom.

" on it" Charli yelled back before I heard a thump I'm assuming she fell. " I'm okay" She yelled back causing me to laugh at her clumsiness.

It didn't take me long to get ready considering I didn't have to put on any makeup. " okay ready" I yelled popping out the bathroom showing off my brand new swimsuit.

" Aw you look good, " Avani said clapping I looked over to see them both on the floor eating what was supposed to be my breakfast.

" isn't that mine," I asked looking down at the platter they had ordered. It was nothing too big just an omelet and some fruits.

" We got hungry waiting don't worry we got extra plus your coffee we weren't sure if you wanted hot or iced so I got you iced," Charli said popping a grape into her mouth.

" and what if I actually wanted hot," I asked joining them on the floor.

" then tough cookies you got iced,"  Charli said scrolling through her phone I simply laughed drinking my coffee. After eating we just chilled on the floor for awhile scrolling through tiktok before Dixie came back.

" hey hot stuff" Dixie yelled entering the room before seeing Charli and Avani " and other mini hot stuffs, " She said giggling at her own joke making her way over to her pile of clothes.

" Are you okay? " Avani asked gaining my attention on to Dixie.  She did look weird her eyes were really red not mention her face looked flushed.

" never been better aw you ate without me," she said pulling a hoodie over her head noticing our empty plates.

" you weren't here sorry," I simply said she simply shrugged before turning on the tv.

" holy shit you're high," Avani said pointing at Dixie who started to laugh at her comment.

" wait are you, " I asked getting up from my position to look at her more closely but instead of answering me she moved in for a kiss but I pulled back smiling the weed on her.

" Aw no kisses for Dixie, " She said pouting but stop once again unable to stop herself from giggling.

" Are you high," I asked again this time a bit more sternly.

" babe it's hi how are you duh, " She said laughing laying down on her very much clean clothes.

" oh shit you are I'm so telling mom" Charli yelled from her spot on the floor.

" no you won't or I'll talk about what happened at playlist with you and chase" Dixie countered moving around me to look at her sister.

" you promised not to, " Charli said standing on her feet to look at Dixie. I rolled over on the bed to sit on the floor next to avani to watch the interaction.

" cherry," Avani asked pointing the bowl at me while we watched the two argue. I gladly took one my eyes never leaving the drama unfolding.

"I did but I will if you tell her about this" Dixie said folding her arms. Charli simply rolled her eyes.

" you're so annoying for that" Charli said Dixie simply shrugged as a response.

" you snitch on me I snitch on you I'm pretty sure mom will be way more annoyed about you losing your virginity than about me being high which you can't prove" Dixie countered smirking at Charli shocked expression.

" fine but who'd you get the weed from," Charli asked the question on all our minds.

" Nick brought his stash so we rolled up in his room" She explained shrugging her shoulder as if it's not a big deal.

" wait so you lied to me I thought you guys were gonna get food this morning I know you did not leave me tired af this morning to get high dixie Jane, " I said her full name on purpose so she knew I was mad causing her to look at me.

" ooh you're in trouble, " Charli said laughing now it was her turn to take a seat.

" Oh shut it, " Dixie said flipping Charli off.

" I asked you a question Dixie now answer, " I said standing putting my hands on my hips.

" well uh Nick invited me and I knew you were tired and you know you don't do this type of stuff so I decided to let you sleep" She explained rubbing the back of her neck nervously.

" you didn't have to lie to me though, " I said before she could answer her phone rung.

" hello" She answered turning her back towards me. " oh hey griff what's up," She whispered as if trying not to let me hear her causing me to roll my eyes.

" let's go, girls, " I said to Avani and Charli making my way towards the door. I'm not about to deal with her when she's like this she's not gonna be able to take me seriously. I'm gonna go enjoy my time in the Bahamas.

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