Safe House

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I know this story doesn't seem like it's fitting with it's original plot anymore..

but trust me it will very soon.

The book is still a mess rn.

I woke up sharply, my body aching.

I looked around and saw everyone with distressed faces. I took the time of quietness to fully take in the events.

Ultron situation-unknown. I was impaled by a rod. My mind was foggy at one point. I was back at the academy with Madame B and I somehow got out of the memory.

That whole "reliving the memory" thing that happened got me thinking. Over the course of 3 years, I had gotten better. I had slowly adjusted to the life without HYDRA, but the horrible memories would always be there.

And one day, every horrible thing I did will come back to bite me. HYDRA will most likely come after me when they find me. But for now, I had other problems.

My healing will likely take longer and I know I can't rely on my healing abilities for everything. Underneath, I really am just a normal person.

I was confused as to where we were going. We've been in the air for a good few hours maybe. I decided to break peace and ask.

"Where are me?" I asked in a raspy, quiet voice. My throat was dry and begging for water.

Bucky stood up and came to my side. "I don't know. How are you feeling?"

"It..hurts. But I'll live." I smiled weakly.

"Well, we've just arrived." said Clint from the pilot's seat.

I tried to sit up but my body protested. I moaned as the pained spread.

"Try not to move. You could start up the bleeding again." said Banner from beside me. He looked distressed, as everyone else. And..angry at himself. I hope he doesn't blame himself for what happened. It wasn't his fault.

I nodded. "Bucky, help me up." 

He curled his arm around me to help me stand. Looking down, I saw the suit Tony designed for me was blood covered and dirty. I groaned, hoping I'll find extra clothes somewhere.

Bucky helped me walk out the plane. Outside was a large field like area and a cute house. I was confused. "Where are we?"

Bucky shrugged.

Clint led us inside. "Honey? I'm home!" he called. At first I thought he was joking but then I heard the sounds of children. 

A woman emerged from another part of the house, confused at the sight of us. She seemed to be pregnant. The idea of that made my stomach turn. I could never have that option in life anymore.

"Hi. Company.Sorry I didn't call ahead." said Clint.

"Hey." she said and kissed him.

"This is an agent of some kind." said Tony to Thor.

"Gentleman. This is Laura."

"I know all your names." she laughed awkwardly. Some of us nodded.

"Nice to meet you." I smiled weakly.

"Ooh. Incoming." said Clint as two children run in and hug him.

"Dad!" says the girl in excitement. 

"I see her!" he says as he picks her up. He looks down to his son. "Hey buddy! How you guys doing?"

Stark looks confused. "These are..smaller agents."

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