Chapter 13

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Molly was just about to open the door when the hotel room phone rang. She picked it up and answered, it was Joseph.

"What was that about?" Jotaro asked, now fully awake and dressed. Molly let out a small yelp, she hadn't noticed him waking up or getting dressed.

"Good, you're awake. Your grandfather wants us to meet up in his and Avdols room, Polnareff ran into some trouble and now we might be in danger" she said with a hint of concern in her voice.

"Yare yare, that Polnareff..." Jotaro muttered. A knock was then heard on the other side of the door, Molly being closer to the door went to open. Her face lit up when she saw who it was.

"Kakyoin, what brings you here?" she said, hearing her speak his name was sweeter than honey, in Kakyoin's opinion at least. A teeny blush spread across his cheeks as he spoke.

"Well, I was wondering if you'd like to have breakfast with me" he said while rubbing the back of his head. Molly, being her sweet and innocent self, thought of course that he meant her and Jotaro.

"Of course we will, but it'll have to wait a little bit. Polnareff ran into some trouble and now we might be in danger, so Mr. Joestar told us to meet in his and Avdols room" she said and smiled slightly. Kakyoin was left a little confused at her remark, until he saw Jotaro peek his head from behind the wall.

"Oh... I see" he managed to reply, for a second he had forgotten about Jotaro's existence completely. Well, he didn't mind too much, as long as Molly would be there.

"Oh, before we go I want to check how Anne is doing" Molly said, her motherly instincts kicking in. Both Jotaro and Kakyoin hummed and nodded in response.

They checked up on Anne and told her to stay in the room, opening the door to strangers was absolutely prohibited. Kakyoin thought it was sweet how Molly cared for the younger girl, just like a mother would for her children. He was abruptly brought back to reality when he notices the other two started walking to Joseph and Avdols room.

They reached the room, and as they entered Joseph wondered where the hell Polnareff was. Not even a minute later he stepped through the door, looking like he'd been through he'll.

"Polnareff, you're hurt!" Molly exclaimed worriedly. She had him sit down on a couch and within seconds she was healing him. After a while he spoke

"Not that I mind being treated by your beautiful, gracious hands, mon cheri, but is this as fast as you can go?" he wondered, earning a blush from Molly as a response. Damn she was cute, but what was she getting embarrassed for?

"We-Well, there is a faster way, but I only use it in emergencies..." her voice trailed off, now everyone in the room was listening.

"Oh? And what might that be, mon cherie?" Polnareff pressed further, genuinely interested in what caused her embarrassed state. She looked at the floor and sighed, then she spoke

"I don't know why, but a kiss heals almost instantaneously". They all ooh'd in unison, except Jotaro who just pulled his hat over his face.

"Well mon cheri, I certainly wouldn't mi-" Polnareff was cut off mid sentence when Jotaro lifted Molly up from under her arms. She yelped confused, Polnareff looked disappointed.

"That's it, you're done." he looked at Polnareff with a deathly glare, and then he spoke again

"Kakyoin, breakfast. Now" he commanded and kicked the door open with Molly still in his grip, Kakyoin quickly following them. Once they reached the stairs, Jotaro gently put Molly down.

"Fucking Polnareff..." he muttered almost inaudible. The trio made it to the restaurant and ordered breakfast. They talked, and this time Jotaro was in on the conversation as well. Molly enjoyed hearing him talk, his low baritone voice relaxed her in a way that nothing else could. Little did she know she had the same effect on both young men in her company.

They decided they'd go out for a stroll later, but before that Molly insisted on taking some breakfast to Anne. They arrived at her room, Jotaro and Molly decided to hang out there for a while, while Kakyoin needed to grab something from his hotel room. When he returned Molly thought something was a little... off about him, but she decided not to say anything. Anne insisted on coming along, so all four of them headed outside.

Molly would occasionally catch Kakyoin staring at her with a rather creepy look on his face. Maybe she'd bring it up with Jotaro later... 

Here, have another sketchadoodle of Molly ~ 🌟

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Here, have another sketchadoodle of Molly ~ 🌟

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