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"I will see you tomorrow okay" he waves from his front porch at willow an I as we start walking down the street

" um...River" willow mumbles

"What's up" he seems worried

"Well um... the other night when you asked if I kissed someone... I did but um... it was a boy in a game of truth or dare but ever since I haven't been able to stop thinking about it"

" willow... That's completely normal how could you not stop thinking about it you kissed someone let alone a boy"

"No River I...I can't stop thinking about him..."

"Oh...Okay well" I am so shocked my little brother might be gay or bi or something .
"Are you mad that I'm thinking about a boy" I laugh gently, he knows so little

" I could never be, now what's his name" I elbow him in the shoulder and he laughs we don't really talk about it for the rest of the walk

"Boys! Your home" mum comes running down the stairs as soon as we walk in the door but we still give her a big hug anyway

"Ready to go mum?" I pretend to be okay with her leaving which I am especially now that I'm the way I am with Alex and Willow needs me I think it will be good

" sure just about to put some tea on, do yous want any?" We both nod and take our bags up to our room and get changed I throw on a pair of black joggers and a plain white shirt, leaving my school socks on I run backdownsatirs to claim a seat on the couch and start downing my tea
" What are we watching?" I ask as the opening scene begins

" hunger games" she replys and I get excited snuggling into the cushions and blankets as the film begins.

The end credits roll through
" righto lads time for bed I'll be leaving before your up tomorrow okay so I love you so so so much and behave alright, no girls over !" She gives us a hug and willow looks at me and laughs silently at the idea of him having a girl over after what he told me today, we follow her up the stairs and into our rooms.

I put my phone away and go to bed, this is so weird, how he makes me feel so warm it was never like this before, I hadn't even considered that we coukd be more but it turns out he's in love with me and now we're dating, I wonder what would have happened if he confessed his feelings earlier. I wonder what the boys are gonna think when they find out, and my mum especially my brother. I finally snuggle up and get to sleep.
My alarm goes off and I get up straight away we have no time to late, I wake up willow and start getting ready quick shower first just to wash my body and condition my hair then uniform on, I throw on a scarf and hat before quickly making lunch and packing our bags I dont normally pack willows bag but I was feeling nice
"Ready bud?" He nods and we quickly swap out our books and lock up the house grabbing a piece of fruit on the way out for breakfast.

I text Alex and tell him were leaving now and he sends a thumbs up
"River, I don't know what to do" he is still concerned about this boy

"Tell me about him" he smiles and starts talking

" Well uh he's just a bit shorter than me and he has like medium brown hair and really deep green eyes there like a forest you could run 100 metres in and not be able to find your way out of, and he has freckles littered all across his nose and his hair just sits over his forehead a centimeter or so from touching his eyes and he is so funny and nice and he plays the piano at lunch so I don't get to see him then, but his style is so basic but cute he wears black skinny jeans and cute sweatshirts or hoodies under his jackets I just want to hug him"

" nawww willow that's so cute, why don't you ask if you can hangout with him in the music rooms while he plays, maybe slowly get closer to him" his grin spreads across his face and he agrees with my idea. We reach Alex's house and he comes strolling out smiling
"Hiya guys" I just want to kiss him, but I can't willow is here. We both respond saying our goodmornings and whatever I keep my hands in my pocket or holding onto my backpack so he can't hold my hands I don't really want to make willows moment about me even if that means I can't hold my gorgeous boys hand for 10 minutes.

He leans over and whispers in my ear
" why can't I hold your hand" making the sadest face ever I feel bad but it's not fair of me to keep this secret from Willow or tell him about it while he is expressing his feelings
"I'll tell you later" I give him a quick kiss on the cheek while no one is looking and run ahead with willow who is obviously still stressing.

" hey what happens happens don't worry"

" but what if everyone thinks I'm weird or if he goes and tells people that I've done things I haven't I don't know in nervous"

" hey if people can hate you for this they suck okay and you'll always have me and Alex alright" I wrap my arm around his shoulders and rest my head on his for a second before pulling away

" how do you know Alex won't hate me for being gay?" I laugh so hard on the inside

"Cause I am" I turn around and find that Alex had heard what I said, willow spins around so fast

" what!" Alex just smiles

" when did you know, have you come out to anybody, do you have a crush , oh my gosh do you have a boyfriend, I'm so nervous Alex you have to tell me everything!" The too walk of without me and I just laugh at how close they became in a matter of seconds, I'm so happy, I know Alex won't out me so I'm not stressed.


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