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Ben's POV

I can hear my parents talking from my room and it's pissing me off, they're talking about pride month and how disgusted they are by it.

B: hey...

D: hiya B

I love when he calls me B cause I know it stands for babe but could be Ben to my parents

B: I miss you

D: why what's wrong

B: my parents :(

D: wanna go out ?

B: Oki I'll be at the park on 15

D: the park ????? We always go to the parkkk why can't we actually go places :(

B: I'm sorry :( it's just if someone saw us and my parents found out

D: I know :(

Fuck I hate this I wish we could just date like all the other couples at our school but my parents suck.

B: I've got an idea meet at mine in 20 minutes and pack a over night bag

D: you're letting me sleep over? Did you parents get called into work ?

B: yeah

They haven't.

I get up and have a shower and do my hair, I out on a pair of blue jeans, a white shirt and a stripped button up undone over the top, I cuff my ankles before putting on my shoes and making my way to the kitchen.

"Ah good morning" my father says as I walk in

"Morning" I grab my bag and put a fresh pair of clothes, my wallet, charger and a jacket before swinging it over my shoulder

"Where are you going?" My mother asks from the table like it's some sort of criminal investigation.

"David's I'm staying the night"

"Oh you weren't going to ask?"

"No" she shakes her head and clicks her tounge but I don't really care

"Do you not have other friends ? You're with that David alot" she gives me a look and I know shes questioning me she questions everyone she refuses to even be in the same room as a gay just cause she doesn't want to breath the same air as them but little does she know she shares the same DNA with one

"I do yeah, River, Alex, Allister"

"Any girls?"

"Uh.... I guess River made friends with a new girl named Remi I haven't really spoke to her much" I can see the lights shinning in her eyes and it makes me sick

" Is she cute?" I want to vomit she's trying to give me off to any girl I mention ever

"Eh I don't really care" and I watch it fizzle out

"Byee" I call out as I leave the house.

David is sat on the corner waiting for me, but as soon as he hears me coming he jumps up ready to go

"Ready? " He nods and we start walking I wait till were out of a few streets from mine before I take his hand, he moves in closer and smiles

"I'm sorry I never get to take you on real dates and stuff" he sighs and kisses me on the cheek

"It okay, this is enough" my face goes a light red and I can't not smile.

"But also.... We missed the turn" he laughs

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