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(this is back in Rivers POV)

It's Friday and we've just got back from school and the house is a mess, were supposed to be having friends over Willow and Alex are playing video games and refuse to clean because the house is fine but it's not so I just get stuck into it and try and get as much done as I can so I can start dinner, I feel like a single parent of two.

I clean for about an hour before Alex comes into the dining room

"oh baby stop, the house looks fine don't stress okay" he takes the cloth from my hand and pulls me into his chest, I feel so overwhelmed about everything until I'm wrapped in his arms I break out into tears, as soon as Alex notices he picks me up and carries me to the kitchen and sits me on the bench

"It's fine alright the house looks great, your amazing" he kisses my head and starts the kettle.

"I just want people to know that we're fine and that we can look after ourselves" I sniffle its part of the truth along with the fact that the untidiness of the house was driving me mad. Alex nods as he walks back over with two cups of tea, he hands me one and stands between my legs.

"you're doing great alright, you cook every meal for the three of us every day, you keep the house clean, get your schoolwork done, Willow is doing great right now too everything is perfect, okay?"

"okay?" he leans forward for a kiss and I give him one, I can't help but smile.

I love him.

"I have to start dinner, everyone will be here in half an hour" I hop off the bench and start dinner I'm just making pizza cause everyone likes pizza and it the easiest thing to feed a group of people with.

Alex, Willow, Harri, Allister, Remi, Ben and David, there is 7 of us so I will make 4.

"Hey River, need any help" Willow comes in, I bet Alex sent him but I want to talk to him so i give him an apron

"Oh yeah if you could grate this that would be awesome"

"no problem" we get to work

"sooooo, How's Harri" His face goes red and I laugh

"Really good"

"I like him, he seems like a good kid. When you said a boy from school I was expecting one of those footy players you hang out with, I was a bit worried. But Harri's different"

"yeah he is, he is so much sweeter and he's so cute and really imaginative and so much more interesting" I'm glad he likes Harry rather than those guys he hangs out with, I've always thought they were a bit sus and very angry, it doesn't help Will already suffers from Anger issues, he is always coming home with a black eye or a bloody nose.

"I'm glad" were just about done with prep

"I...uh...I uh asked him out the other day and he said yes..." I drop everything and turn to him quickly

"You what oh shit Will, congrats bud" I give him a quick hug, I can't believe my 15-year-old brother asked someone out

"He's coming tonight yeah?"

"Yeah, I might quickly go have a shower if that's alright" I let him go and he runs off up stairs, we don't really talk about his problems but he really is improving from what I know.


"Hey River" Alex calls from the bathroom, I have a small ensuite connected to my room

"Yeah?" I call back, he peaks his head around the door and looks at me

"We're the gay friend group" he laughs

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