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River's POV

Alex is out with the boys playing football but mum's home so I decided to stay just in case Will needs me or something.

I'm currently listening to music and just wandering around the house cause I'm bored as fuck I think J might go to a party tonight with Alex cause I can't stand being around my mum after seeing my dad so I just gotta figure out how to get some grog without her seeing ( IDK if they say grog in the UK I'm from Aus btw) cause otherwise it's gonna be boring and people don't supply cause like that's exspensive as.

I hop down the stairs and stroll into the kitchen

"Hey" bitch

"Hey honey what's up" I have no idea what to say so I look in the pantry to see what we don't have

" Uh we need cereal like asap like Will doesn't eat anything else so can you go to the shop and get some" I need her out

"Surely he would be fine to miss one morning and since when ? I'll just go tomorrow" fuck sake

" Nah we need milk and juice too and probably snacks or just like leave the kitchen empty I guess oh well" I walk off and go upstairs so maybe she feels bad, I know that's toxic but like she is gonna hate me soon anyway so like why not ease into it.

I start digging through my closet looking for clothes, I wanna dress up for Alex cause I know he likes it when I do, rather than wear the plain shirts and black jeans, I find a pair of black and grey plaid trousers and a washed black tee and my black vans.

Hottie (Alex)

Hey. How far away are you?

Omw now x

I wanna go to a party there's one down the road I need to get out of the house!

Okay babe
Be there soon



I do my hair and go back downstairs to see mum's keys gone, I look out the window and sure enough her car isn't there, so I quickly grab some drinks from the cupboard and take them to my room and stuff them in a backpack with a hoodie wrapped around them.

"Ahaha too easy" I laugh to myself.

I fix my hair in the mirror one more time before running downstairs and waiting for Alex to get here, I sit by the door for about five minutes before he comes in.

"Hey!" I give him a hug and kiss which makes him laugh.

"What's that for?" He says as he shuts the door and puts down his backpack

"I missed you obviously" he smiles and holds my waist

"You look really nice" I smile back

"I did it for you" he presses his lips to mine
"What do you mean?"

"You like it when I actually wear nice clothes so I did" he smiles

"I like you in anything" aha he's so sweet I kiss him then rush him off to get ready

Time skip to the next day

I'm layed in bed wrapped up in Alex's arms my head is throbbing but I don't want to move away from him.

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