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Alex posted the picture about 2 hours ago and we haven't checked it since, not for any reason just because we were making dinner. But now I'm free to do so, the dishes are done and leftovers are packed away.

I open Instagram and open the photo and scroll through the comments

"You guys are so cute"

"Is this River!?"

"Wait is that a guy, are you gay"


"I bet it's a dare"

"Awwww 🖤"

"Congrats guys"

"Good catch bro"

"Congrats man, ignore the assholes"

"The doctors are open 24/7 you know that right you don't have to stay sick?"

"Naw cuties"

And so much more from support, love and hate, I'm not gonna lie the haters really do hurt me but I know most of our friends support us and we have each other and that's what is most important. I'm leant over the bench scrolling through when Alex comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me his whole body is pressed against me

"Hey" he whispers in my ear

"Hiya" I respond, he nuzzles his head into my neck.

"Whatcha doing?"

"Reading the comments on your post" he squeezes firmly and presses a kiss to my cheek

"Wanna do something else" I turn around and face him

"Like what?" He smiles

"Go make out in your bedroom with the door closed while your brother watches tv?" I run up the stairs ahead of him and lay down on my side of the bed he doesn't come up for a minute, asshole teasing me. I go back on my phone but this time just to play games.

He comes in and creeps up the bed taking my phone from my hands and putting it on the bedside, he hovers over me, pressing his lips to mine I throw my arms over his shoulder and play with his hair his tongue slips into my mouth, I move one of my hands to his hip I could grab his ass if I wanted to but I resist. He pulls away and looks at me.

"Guess what" he sits on my lap and asks excitedly, it's so funny cause at school he is so strong and masculine but with me he's all soft.
"Um you are extremely cute?" He blushes and quickly tucks his head into my chest.

"No!" He sits back up and looks at me this time hovering over me acting all tough and... hot.
"you're my boyfriend" He moves his lips to my neck and sucks hard enough to leave a hickey.

"ALEX!" I jump up

"You can't give me a hickey, everyone's going to think I'm a slut or something"

"But your not... your just mine" I sigh and sit back down in front of him

"Of course but... what about what people think..." his head shoots up and he grabs my hands

" but... But you said only what I think matters"

"About me being in a relationship with you cause that's the most important thing but people talk and rumours spread and everyone's gonna think... wait no I don't care you know what they can get fucked everyone will know you did it so it doesn't matter" his face glows and he leans for word and kisses me on the mouth, and smiles
"Good" we get tucked in and go to bed, snuggled into one another.


The alarm once again blares through my ears, I take a deep breath before getting up and turning it off, Alex though he is a different story he is definitely not a morning person. I hop in the shower and quickly clean my body and wash my hair before getting dressed in my uniform dark blue pants with a white shirt tucked in and a matching blazer and tie.

"Babe! It's time to get up" he groans I pull off the covers and go wake up Willow.

I wonder what school is gonna be like after Alex posting the picture.

And the massive fucking hickey on my neck!

I said I didn't care but I still know what teenagers are like and anytime someone rocks up with a hickey they instantly get slut shamed well guys are different but I'm in a gay relationship so I don't know what it's going to be like. I finish up breakfast toast, tea and scrambled eggs

"Ok dickheads breakfast let's go!" And sure enough five minutes later their running down the stairs and inhaling the food, i quickly pack the dishwasher and get ready to go


I finish neatning up the mess on my head so I am a actually presentable, throw on my scarf and start walking with the boys behind me.

"Oi, GUYS!" I turn around to see Allister one of our mates from school he usually gets to school early for football but I guess something happened, we stop and wait for them.

"Hey mate" Alex gives the usual bro hug that makes me cringe but thats what they do and we get walking, it makes me happy that he doesn't care

"How are you guys I saw all the assholes commenting on that post you made Alex"

"We're alright people suck but that's life I guess"

" yeah... well you've got me" I smile and give him a quick side hug as we walk

"Thanks mate your a good friend"

We make it to school, a few people are staring but not a lot we make our way to where we normally meet the boys Alex and Allister say hi, then Ben pipes up

"Wait you support this Shit All!?" Ben blurts out without a care.

"Well yeah their our friends? Why wouldn't I?" I never realised how great Allister was I guess it's hard to see past the bad boy smoker drunk screen but he's actually really cool

" untill they were gay they were" Ben sucks

" sorry to brake it to you Ben but I've been gay since primary mate sooo...." Alex steps in, I had no idea he's known for that long

"What the fuck man!" Ben storms off with David following behind

"See ya Assholes" Alex calls out and Allister stands there with his fingers up

"Ignore them there just pricks" I nod as the bell rings and we move to class. I get stares for the rest of the day and people whispering about me but I don't care anymore I have a really cool boyfriend so they can say what they want.

" are you actually dating" the girl next to me asks

"Nah we just kiss and post photos of it" wtf of course we are !?!?

"Oh ok it's just everyone thinks you are" I laugh

"I was being sarcastic of course we are sorry for being a dick" we spend the rest of the double lesson talking and she's actually pretty cool her name is Remi she came to the school two weeks ago.

"Wanna sit with me and my friends at lunch your pretty cool" she accepts excitedly and we move off to break.

I sit under the tree eating a sandwich with Remi while Alex and Allister kick the ball around.

I feel bad that they lost so many friends, but I guess if they could leave like that they were never really very good ones then. It's starts to rain so the boys run over and sit under the tree with us

"Hey do you guys wanna come over on Friday we can just eat dinner and watch movies" I ask I would like to make some better connections with friends.

"Sounds good" Remi replies whilst packing up her stuff to go

"Sick free food" I roll my eyes and laugh

"See yas tomorrow" Remi runs Inside with her stuff

"Yous can be all cuddly in front of me I don't mind guys just don't start making out I don't want to be that much of a third wheel" I laugh but Alex pulls me into his side like he is so big scary dominant but I know that's not true.

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