Take Me Home Tonight

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-I guess this is goodbye

''flight 6277 will be boarding to London in 20 minutes"

I took off my headphones, stood up and walked to where my parents were sitting. "well I guess this is goodbye guys" I said holding in the tears that threatened to fall.

"oh don't cry sweetie! Or I'm going to cry" my momma said pulling me into a tight hug, I hugged her back as tight as I could because I knew this would be our last hug, after this I head to London.

"well baby girl I'm proud to say that your all grown up and ready for college," my dad said "I'm really going to miss your smart remarks and sarcasm"

"common ol' man," I said playfully punching my dad in the arm "I'll be ok and maybe when you least expect it, I'll be home back with you guys." he smiled and pulled me into a big bear hug then kissed my forehead.

"where's Richard? I need to say bye to that kid" I said skimming around the airport waiting area and of course, he was at the vending machine buying a bag of munchies. I walked up to where he was and almost startled him.

"whoa! Calm down tiger, I just came here to say-" I stopped when I noticed that he was wearing MY Asking Alexandria band t-shirt! I really liked that shirt because it had my name on it. Alexandria. And because it had the sickest lyrics on it 'Get the fuck away from me' "dude are you wearing my shirt?" how the hell did I even forget to pack it?

"well it's obviously not the neighbors shirt duh" he gave me the 'duh' face. Oh hell no! I quickly smacked him behind his head and laughed at him.

"don't try to be a smart ass with me boy, I'm 18 and your only 16"

"I'm telling mom!"

"go ahead, she wont do much anyways I'm leaving today"

He stopped right when I said I was leaving. He turned around and looked me right in the eyes, I knew they were watery. He immediately turned on his heel and ran back to where I was. All of a sudden Richard pulled me into a tight hug as well.

"damn Alex, I can't believe your really leaving," For a 16 year old, Richard was very tall compared to me and well built. I knew I was going to his this jerk because we were so much alike, we both had scene hair and not only that but we were whipped over rock music. At school, my brother and I were known as the rocker twins. Of course we weren't twins though. "I'm going to miss you so much! Who am I going to go concerts with? Who am I going to pick on? Oh my gosh! Who's going to play the guitar with me!" he pulled away and looked me right in the eyes. I knew my eyes were beyond watery by now.

"don't worry little brother, I'll Skype with you every night and we can practice the guitar over video chat plus you have your friends to go with you to concerts, oh and by the way keep that shirt, you already wore it" I said smirking at him.

He smiled and playfully punched me In the arm.

"well Alex you have five minutes to board the plane." that's when I broke down in tears.

"I-I'm going t-to miss you guys so much!" I gave my dad, momma, and Richard one last hug before I grabbed my suitcase and got in line.

"next please" said the old lady who was checking the plane tickets. I took mine out and handed it to her. "thank you ma'am, you may board the plane. You have quite the trip ahead of ya" I smiled sweetly and took one last look at my family. They were forcing a smile on their sad faces. I waved goodbye at them.

"Alex! Wait!" I stopped and looked at Richard running towards me. "I almost forgot to give you this." he pulled out a little black box and handed it to me. I opened it and inside it contained the small white Guitar pick that was autographed by his favorite guitarist from Sleeping with Sirens. Damn! This was his prize possession he never let anyone grab it and here he was giving it to me. "A little something for you to remember me by" I looked at him and gave him a bear hug. I let go and wiped the tears away.

"goodbye Richard" were my last words before I boarded the plane.


I looked out the plane window and noticed it was almost getting dark. Gosh I hated ridding on planes while it was dark. I always had a feeling that we would crash land or worse, crash into another plane in the air.

"excuse me everyone, may I get your attention?" I looked forward and saw a young lady waiting for everyones attention. "please fasten your seatbelt and remain seated throughout the flight. Bathrooms are in the back. And our assistants will pass by with drinks and food later. Have a wonderful flight"

What's so wonderful about being stuck in a plane for a bazillion hours?

I laid my head on the cool window and started thinking about everything I was leaving behind, my family, friends, and every close person I couldn't remember at the moment. That's when I remembered Josh. My last boyfriend who broke up with me two days before I left but started dating another girl a week before that bastard cheated on me. He told me it was for the best to see other people. We dated for almost a year I loved him, I still do. I told him that I didn't want anyone who wasn't him i even said i wasn't going to date another guy because let's face it, I was in love with Josh but he just ignored me and left me at the park alone. I brought tears to my eyes just thinking about that day I shook it off and closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. I have a long trip ahead and didn't want to be tired.


Well there you have it folks! The first chapter to Take Me Home Tonight. I'm kinda happy with what I wrote :D

As y'all read, Alex is off to London to attend college but she doesn't want to leave because of her family and ex-bf. Yet much more is to come to Alex when she arrives to London.. Muahaha >:D

P.s I almost forgot! I'll soon be posting a character cast when I have all my characters put into place:) comment/vote/share/READ and become a fan


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