↘︎ chapter forty-eight

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48 | The Weasley family are fighting for Marley

It was already mid-July. More people were arriving here at the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix. Marley Mаcmillian knew what this Order was for. It was founded by Dumbledore and fought against Voldemort and the Death Eaters. Marley and Noen weren't allowed to the meetings. So far, Brielle Macmillan, Noelle and Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Albus Dumbledore, her DADA teacher Alastor Mad-Eye Moody, Nymphadora Tonks (with very cool violet short hair. She also preferred to be called by her surname) and Professor Snape have been meeting. Marley had no idea what he was doing here, but he knew that they were not all members of the Order. More would be coming.

Marley and Noen spent time clearing the headquarters, but in a fortnight they hadn't cleared one third of it. They tried to bring it back to normal and acceptable appearance, but without the Ministry's permission to use magic, everything became much slower and more difficult.

Marley was sleeping in a room reserved for the girls and was just drawing in her sketchbook when creaking from the first floor was heard. She had spent so much time in the silence of this house and began to recognise almost all the noise. She quickly left her sketchbook on the bed without closing it and left the room.

She was already in the corridor, walking quietly when stumbling and falling was heard, and then a dozen swearings from an extremely familiar voice. And then Walburga's annoying portrait started yelling again. Marley covered her ears and walked toward her, screaming.

"Fuck off, you little hag! Stop screaming because everyone hates your voice!" she called out and pulled the black curtains, hiding Walburga from everyone's sight. Then she turned and saw the Weasely family standing in the main corridor, Fred Weasley just standing up with bad look on his face and holding an umbrella in his right hand. "Oh, don't worry, I stumble in this three times per day."

"Oh, Marley, sweetheart!" exclaimed happily Mrs. Weasley. She ran toward the girl, climbing the stairs and pulled her in a tight her. She looked thiner than the last time Marley saw her. Almost a month ago. "I can't believe you're here. Is Noen here too? What about your mother?"

"Everyone is here, Mrs. Weasley." assured her Marley, still trying to act polite. But her hands were itching to ran down the stairs and hug George Weasley as hard as possible. "Don't worry about me, but for this place. It's hard to clean it without magic. And Kreacher, the house-elf doesn't help us much. But I see that I have helpers now."

Mrs. Weasley simply smiled, without replying to her. Marley wanted to run down the stairs, but for a moment she thought she would fall. Then she said, I don't care. And she did. She literally threw herself on top of George, hugging him tightly. And for a moment the boy was a little surprised by her quick reaction. But Marley would hardly have reacted this way if she hadn't been so desperate to clean all day, with Walburga screaming for background.

"I'm so glad you're here. Honestly, I thought I'd die." she said. "This place is so fucking bad. Do you know how bad is to clean this dusty house all day without magic and listening to this hag yelling at you?"

"It's almost like to listen to mom." shrugged shoulders George Weasley, a big grin was shining on his face. Mrs. Weasley looked at him cautionary. George noticed her persistent look and smiled nervously. "I love you, mum. Please, don't kill me."

"There's something different in you." suddenly stated Marley, looking around George, trying to find what was different in him. But everything was the same - the casual shirt and jeans, the skin, except he got tanned a little and cute freckles, the sprakling brown eyes and the red hair... "No way! Oh my God! You cut your hair! Ah, babe, it suits you so much!"

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