Chapter 25

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Laxus blinked, squinting due to the sudden change in lighting. It was brighter now, much brighter than the guild hall at least. His eyes adjusted quickly, but what he saw didn't make him feel too safe.

The room he now stood in was lined with huge jars that were filled with liquid and odd shapes. The shapes appeared human to him, but he wasn't sure, and he didn't want to stick around to find out. Glancing around Laxus found he was alone in the vast room.

"Where the hell am I?" He grumbled, as he began to search the room for an exit. While fear clutched at his stomach, his face was calm and stern. He strode across the room to inspect the one wall that had an area that didn't have jars covering it, but found nothing of interest. Moving on, he found nothing in the form of an exit. The room seemed perfectly sealed, no doors no windows no vents nothing but solid stone walls.

Laxus contemplated attempting to break a wall down, but decided against it for the time being. He glanced around, straining his ears to hear even the slightest sound that could mean escape but there was none.

A sudden burble caught his attention bringing him to look at the nearest jar. He had decided against inspecting them earlier, but seeing no way out at the moment, he approached the jar.

The liquid inside was a light blue, like the sky on a clear day, and there was a figure floating within.

The figure was human, of that much was obvious. Laxus looked them up and down in hopes that there might be something of import in the jar. The figure was female, in appearance at least. She wore no clothing and stared at the center of the room with blank eyes.

Seeing no use from spending more time on the jar, Laxus began to turn his attention back to searching for an exit. But as he started to look away the girl moved. It wasn't anything dramatic, but it was a slight enough movement to catch the dragon slayer's eye. The figure slowly looked over at him, her blank, and Laxus assumed, unseeing eyes took him in for a moment before turning to look up at the ceiling of the room. The figure mouthed a few words, but they were lost as Laxus turned his full attention to the ceiling.

When he had inspected the room but hadn't noticed anything out of the ordinary about the domed ceiling. Cursing his stupidity, he placed a hand on the jar. "I'll be back to get you. To get all of you out of here as soon as I find an exit." Then with a surge of lightning he shot up to stand on a small platform that surrounded the edge of the dome. The platform was only about as wide as half the length of his foot. If that.

Wobbling slightly, Laxus prepared to use his magic to save himself from falling if needed. Stabilizing himself for the most part, he pressed around on the walls of the dome, hoping to find a loose stone that could mean a door or a window or something.

After circling halfway around at a careful pace, Laxus finally found something odd. Or at least it found him anyway.

A small section of the wall he had been inspecting shimmered slightly, and a familiar face stared at him, first in shock then in anger. Crystal reached out, pushing Laxus lightly, sending him tumbling from the platform.

While he had been surprised by her sudden appearance, he had been prepared for falling from the time he has gotten up to the ceiling.

Turning to lightning, Laxus used his magic to propel himself safely to the ground. After landing he glared up, preparing to attack, but was thrown back by what felt like an invisible wall. "Wha." Was all he managed to utter before he slammed into the empty wall, sliding to the floor a moment before rolling to his feet.

"You weren't the one that was supposed to come here." Crystal growled.

"So I gathered." Laxus sprung towards the girl as he spoke, throwing two punches and a kick before being thrown back once more.

"I had planned this - YEARS ago. And then the lot of you disappeared - for seven years, without a trace!" She threw her hands in the air dramatically. "And then magically you're all back, with barely a scratch on you after facing Acnologia. True you didn't win, the whole country knows that, but you lived somehow. And then I had to finish my plan again. After years of thinking I'd never get my revenge. You're all back!" She smiled at him, using her magic to force him to the floor. "My plan. I had to finish figuring out what I had to do, to get revenge on Fairy Tail. And in the process of refining it, your guild goes from absolute worst guild to best with an amazing win at the Grand Magic Games. Not only that, but you also somehow manage to befriend the members of Sabertooth?" She shook her head.

"What of it?" Laxus forced himself to his feet, his muscles straining against the magical force. The sheer effort to stand before the other wizard was taking all his current strength. "I have no clue what we did to you…" He grit his teeth as she attempted to slam him down once more. "But there is no way I'm going to sit here and let you go through with whatever you plan."

"I wouldn't expect you to." She said calmly, "I'll admit I hadn't expected you to force yourself to take Lucy's place during the transfer spell, so I'll give you that win. But you'll do just as well."

As she finished speaking she hit him with another spell, finally knocking him to the ground once more, the force of the magic crushing him. He tried once more to force himself up but it took the last bit of his strength, and a quick recast of her spell and Laxus didn't try again.

Curious, crystal inspected the blonde finding him unconscious from the effort.

At this she smiled.


Shall we dance? {LaxusXLucy} [By Sheyshen]Where stories live. Discover now