Chapter 28

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Sighing happily, Crystal removed her attention from a small Lacrima sitting on the desk. She scooted her chair away, smiling triumphantly as her plans were falling into place. From the comfort of her home she had observed Fairy Tail discussing their rescue plans. They were so sure of the safety of their guild hall they spoke loud enough that the communication Lacrima that she had stashed was able to pick up most of what was said. A good thing, at least for her.

Leaning back she stretched, thinking through what to do next. The whole plan had revolved around whisking away Lucy, not Laxus, so there was that wrench in her plans. But even still that was something she could work with. She smiled proudly and turned her attention to a second Lacrima.

Within the crystal the large room full of jars could be seen, as well as a large examining table where the blonde was strapped tight, glaring at the air.

"So he's awake..." Crystal mused, she had been attempting to think of a way to use the lightning wizard to her advantage as soon as she had realized her mistake. Her smile twisted into something bitter as she flipped through her plans, coming up with an idea.

She tapped on the Lacrima, speaking smugly to Laxus, "Oh don't make that face. If it makes you feel better, I can guarantee that your friends will be on their way to find you soon enough."

A huff of barely contained rage was the only reply that she received before she returned to her thoughts.

A second generation dragonslayer, with lightning as his type. That was a pretty hard one to work with, but it wasn't impossible. Fire would have been easier, she was sure, but this would do. Crystal hummed as she jotted down ideas before scooting her chair away from the desk and standing up. The evil grin grew to a near maniacal level as her thoughts clicked into place.

With a finely practiced motion, she turned and exited the room, heading to the lab with all her precious jars.

"Yes, I know what I can do with him." She murmured proudly, "I know how to use him to my advantage." Her smile faltered, covered by a fake frown as she entered the room. She didn't want him to know what she might have planned.

"How are you feeling?" She asked, innocently, her frown breaking a little into a look of worry, "I don't want to think that I may have hurt you somehow."

"Yeah right." Laxus growled. Crystal reached over to lightly brush her hand against his chest as she walked around the table, inspecting her prey carefully.

"Now now, there's no need to be so agitated, my dear." she gave him a half smile as he attempted to recoil from her touch, a look of fury plain on his face. She tsked at his action, pulling her hand back and turning her attention to something along the wall that Laxus couldn't see. "Everything will be alright," She glanced over her shoulder to look at the dragon slayer before returning to what she was focused on, "you'll see." .

"And what will that 'everything' be exactly?" Laxus attempted to shift his weight so he could see what she was doing, but the bonds held him secure. He hated this, not just the feeling of being helpless, but the fact that he had barely any idea of what would happen to him or the guild. "What are you going to do? Stuff me in one of those jars like the rest of these innocents you likely kidnapped?"

Crystal gasped happily, "What a grand idea! You know you're a lot smarter than you look." She turned back to him, a wide smile on her face, "Although these people here are far from innocent, though that matters little in the long run."

She had been tinkering with something during their 'discussion' and now carried the object over to the angry dragon slayer. "Now don't move," She cooed, "It'll hurt less."

And with that she painfully shoved the object into his arm before Laxus could identify just what it could be. He attempted to pull his arm back, the pain white hot, and bit back a shout. He felt something rush into his veins, mingling with his blood, and a warm sensation flood his body.

"See? That wasn't too bad was it?" She spoke softly, stroking his hair.

The pain faded as quickly as it came, and Laxus found himself falling asleep. He tried in vain to keep himself awake, but whatever she had done must have had a drug of some type in it. He kept trying to fight it, but before he knew it everything had gone dark.

Crystal smiled down proudly as she undid the bonds and prepared him for the next step of her plan.


Shall we dance? {LaxusXLucy} [By Sheyshen]Where stories live. Discover now