Chapter 3

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As soon as I walked through that door Andre promptly threw me across the room making my back hit the wall with such ferocity I'm surprised my back didn't break. As I was laying there groaning on the floor he picked me up by my hair and dragged me upstairs to the end of the hallway which has a large black door with locks on it.

He dropped me on the floor again digging through his pockets before producing the keys to the door and unlocking the locks. When he got all the locks undone he grabbed my hair again and picked me up off the floor, where my feet wouldn't even touch the floor.

He held me face to face with him and sneered "It's about time you give up bitch, because we aren't ever going to love you! You are not our daughter and you never will be!" I gulped looking into his eyes that was a burning with rage and hatred, it felt as if he could burn me alive by just looking at me with them.

I thought to myself he's gunna kill me this time! And I won't ever to be able to be free! Once he got his point across that he was pissed. He put me onto a table that had straps on it and got me firmly strapped to I where I couldn't move. He moved over to his tools and looked at them. He picked up the scalpel and turned and looked and smiled a ruthless, malicious smile. He walked towards me and quickly stabbed my thigh with it causing me to scream bloody murder in this soundproof room.

"Yes bitch, do you feel how powerless you are? I can do anything to you and you can't stop me!" He roared over my screaming and sobbing. He went and grabbed the surgical scissors and came back too me slowly cutting off all my clothes. Thank goodness I took off my favorite hoodie halfway through my walk home. I thought.

After he cut off all my clothes he slowly started to trail the scissors over my stomach and breasts only knicking me a couple times in the process. Once he got to my breasts in one fast movement he cut a large gash across the top of my left breast. Causing me to scream and cry in agony. Begging him to stop. He didn't listen to any of my pleas he quickly cut a large gash on the top of my right breast.

Then he went and got two other instruments called forceps, holding the skin open while he probed his fingers into the open wounds. Then he took his hulk like fists and started to pound on my stomach, face, and legs anywhere he could hit me. Then he took the forceps out of one of the gashes and went down to my feet and broke both of my toes with one swift twist. I started to feel dizzy and lightheaded and he took the scalpel out of my thigh and cut a huge line across my stomach, I ended up passing out after that.

When I woke up I was in tremendous pain. I blinked my eyes a couple of times to get them to focus. Once they were focused enough for me to see I  turned my head to see a clock that read 8:00 p.m. After I had seen the time I looked around and realized I was in the basement on my bed.

I looked down at my bruised and battered naked body too see how much damage was done. I seen three nasty lookin gashes along with a lot of smaller ones and the bruising has already started to show. I then looked down at my toes and seen that they were in crooked angles. I closed my eyes again for a second and took a deep breath and clenched my teeth, before gingerly getting up and scooting onto the side of my bed.

I knew I was going to have to stitch up them nasty gashes. Once I got my first treatment of punishment, I learned how to stitch myself up pretty quickly. It pretty much came second nature to me now that I have been doing it for so long in my every day to day life.

I got up onto my feet still clenching my teeth and tried not to put any pressure on my sensitive feet and gingerly made my way over the dresser and pulled it out a little to grab my emergency first aid kit.

I also grabbed a pair of socks from my sock drawer before makin my way back to my bed with everything I needed. After I threaded my needle I stuck the socks in my mouth. I slowly started to thread the needle through my skin, blinking back tears so I could see. After I got all the ones that needed stitched up I put the needle and thread back and I put disinfectanct on all my other cuts and made two homemade splints for each of my toes.

After I put everything back where it belonged and quickly and quietly changed my sheets, and looked at my clock to see it was 9:30 and went back to sleep my last thought was tomorrow is gunna be hell.

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