Chapter 22

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Hunt's POV

I sat there shocked. My beautiful mate is already gaining her powers and she isn't even 18 and we haven't even completed the mating proccess yet. She looked at me with shock in her eyes, frozen. I stood up and grabbed her wrist gently and pulled her towards me crushing her against my chest. She lightly giggled and shook her head at herself ' I must be going crazy' I read her mind. I smiled slightly and gently tipped her chin up and moved my face down to hers and gently kissed her lips before moving us both towards the door. "Where are we going Hunt?" She asked curiously. "Well we are going to my parents to find out what they know first and then we are going to the library to find out more about your powers." She blushed lightly and followed me silently to where my parents was sitting in the living room. "Mom, dad, can we talk to you privately?" I asked. They stood up nodding and led us to my fathers office. Once we made it to the office she looked around slightly taken back by the room it had brown paneling with family photos on the wall. There was a dark oak desk that was shining in front of a huge window that looked over a vegetable garden. There was a couch and love seat that was a dark blue and a small flat screen tv mounted on the wall. Everything was neat and tidy, not a single this was out of place. As I looked over at her, my parents made their way to the couch sitting down and I grabbed Felocity's hand and dragged her to the love seat. Once we sat down across from my parents they was giving me a curious look wondering what we wanted to talk about. I cleared my thought and asked "Mom, dad? What do you know about ice dragons?" They both looked at us in surprise and, then looked at each other mouths gaping open, than turned to look back at us and finally dad shook out of his stupor. He looked at me with curiosity in his eyes and said "We don't know much just some legends that we have heard. Why do you want to know about ice dragons Hunt?" He asked. I looked at Felocity and seen she  had her head bowed and playing with her fingers in her lap. "Can I tell them?" She looked up at me then slightly nodding her head 'yes' before bowing her head again and resuming to play with her fingers. So I told them everything I knew and after 20 minutes of me talking. They sat there frozen looking back and forth between me and Felocity. After a few moments of them looking between us their eyes landed on Feloctiy and stayed there looking at her face. My mother put her shaking hand over her mouth. My father cleared his throat and looked away. "There was a legend that runs in the family about ice dragons. We just never told it too our kids, in awhile when they were both kids we would tell it to them as a bedtime lore. But, anyways there once was a legend about this woman who was an ice dragon. She could freeze people with a wave of her hand, she could look at someone and read there inner most thoughts. She was extremely powerful. I have heard different versions of it and all with different variations of the powers. No one actually knows the full powers of an ice dragon." I looked at my dad the whole time he was talking. He kept his head down as if he was ashamed, he hadn't told the legend in a long while. Felocity was the one to speak next "That's awesome Ax. I wish I could have had my parents tell me stories before bed. I'm glad I get to hear it now tho. Do you think we could go to the library and see if we can find anything relevant to the ice dragon?" She spoke so softly it was hard to catch her words, they were laced with sadness, curiosity, and hope. I hadn't realized how much she has missed, but I want to try to make it up to her because I know she deserves it after all she has been through. She has had a rough life and I want to make it easier for her to take all the pain and heartache away from her, I want to replace it with love and happiness. I want to truly show her how special she is to me, not just to me either but also to my family and her friends. She doesn't realize how much we care for her and already love her. With that in mind I grabbed her hand and helped her up and we headed to the library so we can research ice dragons and hopefully get some more insight on her powers. Maybe if we can it will help put her be more at ease and happier.

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