Chapter 24

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Hunts's POV

I love kissing her, she has soft plump lips that melt my good judgement when she kisses me. Her body becomes pliant and so incredibly soft against me. Her birthday is only 2 days away and I can't wait till we mate completely, so she cane fully be mine. "Hunt." My father mind linked me. I stopped kissing her but still held her in my arms with both of our breathing ragged and quick. "Yes, father?" I asked." Felocity has visitors." He said grimly. I tensed knowing straight away what was going on her foster parents came home early. I looked down at Felocity seeing the way she was relaxed and out of pain. I sighed painfully my heart wrenching and twisting in my chest. Just the thought of what she will have to endure in the next 2 days till I can bring her back here to safety, and the comfort of having her in my arms. She heard me sigh and looked at me with her gorgeous emerald eyes. I gently leaned down to kiss her and whispered "Fel, babygirl, your foster parents are here. Your birthday can't come soon enough." I closed my eyes so I didn't have to see the disappointment and terror him her eyes. I felt her soft hand come up and touch my cheek gently and she whispered "No, it cant. I can't wait to be back here in your arms. You are the only person who has made me feel safe and truly comforted in years. Of course Mia has but that's to a certain extent. I will stay strong for us. My Dragon should come soon enough. I love you Hunt and I am determined to stay alive for us." After she finished her little speech. I opened my eyes to see crystal and pale blue eyes that was mixed together staring at me with determination, love, and a spark of hope in them. I blinked once, twice, three times after I blinked 3 times her eyes was back to the vibrant emerald green. She kissed my cheek softly and got up and reached her hand for me to take.I took it and then she pinched her fingers together and concentrated on the book she was reading and it slowly started to shrink after a minute it became extremely small. "Wow! I can't actually believe that worked!" She whispered excitedly and it showed in her beautiful eyes. She quickly tucked it into her pocket and said "Lets get this over with so we can be together . I sincerely hope I get to see you again Hunt." She said softly looking down trying to hold back tears. I gently lifted her face up so her eyes could meet mine. I studied her eyes intently, mesmerized. "I cant wait till you are fully mine, so I can show you what it feels like to be loved completely. We have to go now tho. They aren't the most patient people in the world." She smiled a sad smile, sadness enveloping her immediately at the thought of leaving. which caused the organ in my chest to feel like it has been seared with a poker that was held over fire for an eternity. " I know. Lets go." She whispered. I grabbed her hand and led her to the front door, where Andre and Lizzy was standing awkwardly next to my parents. With my father giving them an extremely dangerous glare, that could make just about anything dead or alive shrink back in fear and they'd want to shrivel up and face the pits of hell rather than be glared at by my dad. I looked towards Andre and Lizzy to see Andre staring intently at our intertwined hands. "Watch this." I heard Fel's voice in my head. She had a sudden burst of courage and grabbed my face and brought it down to hers and kissed me. I quickly responded by wrapping my arms around her waist holding her too me for dear life. One minute we was kissing and she was right in front of me. Then the next Andre grabbed her arm and forcefully jerked her away from me, making her stumble in the process and fall to the floor. I immediately am slammed with hatred and malignance for this mad man. I was seeing red, I heard a dangerously low growl escape my throat. Andre looked panic-stricken for a moment before recovering and putting an dispassionate façade on. Lizzy visibly paled to a shockingly white color, and her eyes that had widened to about the size light bulbs just about buldged out of her head. Felocity looked amused and satisfied. "What was that?" I said in our mind-link slightly irritated that she thought this was a joke. "I wanted to show you the side no one gets to see. He puts on a show of professionalism and sophistication, but the true reality of it is when he is behind closed doors. He is the devil re-incarnated. I just have to put up with this one last time before I can finally be set free. You and your family, and my grandmother, and my dragon. You guys are going to be the reason I get out of this alive. Y'all give me a reason to be stronger and my reason for wanting to live." She said. I looked into her eyes that started to tear up and, Andre pulled her out of the house and towards their car. The last glimpse I got over her when she blew me a kiss and a sad smile graced her precious lips, before the car door completely closed. I knew she was trying to be strong for me. I know her heart is breaking inside, because mine is too as I watched the car that was taking my life away from me. I watched until the car became a mere spec in the distance before I turned around to go back inside. Once I entered the house I seen my father hodling my mothers sobbing, and shaking form, trying to comfort her. When they noticed I had come back in my mother came straight over to me whispering "It'll be okay, she is so strong. I have faith in her that she will fight this time."

'I hope it's going to be okay. I cant live without her. I hope her dragon and the moon goddess give her enough strength to squash Andre and Lizzy like a bug. I hope they can take care of the woman who is carrying my heart.' I silently thought.

Felocity's Secrets!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora