Chapter 6

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Felocity's POV
(She is in a dream like state)

Hands that's all I see, two huge black furry hands with large claws covered in a gooey red substance reaching towards me. I tried to scream and move away from them but I was frozen I couldn't move I looked around. Everything was gray, I looked back at the furry hands reaching for me and they morphed into human hands covered in blood. I tried screaming once again and nothing came out, the bloody hand then morphed into a bloody zombie looking face staring at me with pure hatred.I looked more closely to see it was Andre's face right in front of me. His face was the same except he had flesh peeling off in places and his teeth was black. I tried moving away from him again and I couldnt. Please if I am going to die, let me die right here. Where I won't have to feel the pain anymore. I thought. Then the face morphed into two figures hold hands I looked at them closely trying to figure out who they were. It was a male that had my green eyes with brown hair and a figure that was about 6ft. The woman was smaller probably around 5'4 she had my facial features and raven black hair that hung past her waist in a smooth braid. The only difference is our eyes mine are green and hers are a aqua color. They stood there looking at me with tears streaming down their faces. Then the woman spoke is a sweet soft voice "Stan, can you believe it's our babygirl?"
I just stood there in shock looking at them. Then Stan said with a deep voice that was husky with emotion "Melinda she is the spitting image of you."
Melinda then can towards me and pulled me towards her, hugging me tightly. She started whispering "Oh, my baby, my baby"
" Melinda hun, remember we have to hurry and give her the message before time runs out."
She pulled back slightly and looked at my face and she said "Darling, it's not your time yet. I know life is hard right now but I know Hunt and Mia will take care of you."
She started flickering and fading.

"We love you so much babygirl and remember not everybody is bad. Don't be scared of Hunt and Mia sweetheart. When they show you their secret remember they are just like you with feelings. They will show you what it is supposed to be like to feel loved and protected."
They both started fading even more becoming see-through, when I finally managed a small "I love you guys too"
They both looked at me and smiled before everything went black.

Hunts POV
We was sitting there in horror beside her bed before beeping started going off, I looked around and realized it was the heart monitor beeping like crazy. I hurried out of the room to Dr. Rome running this way. He went in the room and put something in her IV and made the beeping stop. We both looked at him to see what had just happened. He looked at us and said "I'd say she was having a nightmare. I gave her something that will ease her into a peaceful sleep, so she won't keep having nightmares."
"Thank you doc, we really appreciate it." I said.
He looked at me dumbfounded. "So I'm not in trouble?" He asked.
I looked at him curiously and said "No, you will be rewarded." I told him.
"R-rewarded?" He stuttered out of shock.
"Yes rewarded she will be you future Alpha Female!" I said getting happy just thinking about it. I looked back at Dr. Rome to see him fidgeting and looking around, not wanting to make eye contact.
"Whats going on with you Rome? You look like you just killed someone." I said.
Dr. Rome looked at me in the eyes and blurted "But she's human!"
My eyes widened with by that new piece of information and everything clicked in place the human scent and blood in in Mia's car is Felocity's
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes and slowly let it out I done that a couple more times and then opened my eyes again.
"So she is still my mate Rome." I said. Mia looked at me with a small smile on her face and that's when I knew I had said the right thing. Whether she is human or not she is still my mate.

After awhile the shock surpassed I looked at Mia sleeping in the chair. I looked back at Felocity and my heart squeezed seeing her this way. My beautiful mate is laying there in a coma. Even when she is all bruised up she is beautiful.
I can't wait to get to know her better. To be able to get to know my mate.
I looked up shaking my thoughts, and I seen Felocity's finger start twitching I looked up to see her face and she gave a low groan and opened one eye slowly and then the other. She slowly started to look around to figure out where she was and her eyes landed on me and slowly widened. After staring into each others eyes her eyes slowly started to droop shut again. She went back to sleep. I sat there in shock looking at her and remembering the moment we shared when I looked into her emerald green eyes. I'm done for I thought to myself.

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