Chapter 23

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Felocity's POV

We finally made it to the library and it was huge and magnificent. It was the biggest library my eyes had ever seen. Books were covering every wall from the top the the bottom. There was a rolling ladder that goes around all the shelves, even to the ones you can't reach. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes taking in the ambiance and the smells of the library. You could literally smell the let her of the books from old to new. I opened my eyes and scanned all the shelves there has to be over a million books in here. I squealed in my mind. I realized I was still frozen in the doorway and Hunt was watching me with amusement and a small smirk on his precious lips. "Wow." Was all I could utter. My eyes continuously moving around trying to take in the magnificence. It had a domed ceiling that was transparent letting in the sunshine. Around the dome there was small light fixtures that I assume light up when it is dark outside. The shelves were a beautiful mahogany wood, that shined as if they were polished everyday and the shelves were catagorized by the contents of the books. The floors was son type of planks that was light colored. Hunt gently grabbed my hand with my eyes searching the categories. Romance, animals, witches, moon, mystery, biographies, thrillers, elements, fairies. You name it they have it. There was so many that I couldn't read them all as we passed. We finally stopped at a shelf and Hunt started climbing up the ladder. He scanned the books and picked a few and carefully made his way down the ladder. We went to a more secluded area in the library that had a huge bay window that overlooked the back yard and there was a love seat across from it with a small table in the middle. I sat down in the bay window taking in the silence and the sense of peacefulness washed over me in a flood. I sighed a small sigh loving this calming effect this library has on me. Hunt reached me a book as I slowly opened my eyes. It was a black leather book a pale blue dragon in the middle. I hesitantly smoothed my fingers over it loving the way it feels. I resolutely opened it and starts reading about dragons.

Ice Dragons


About Dragons
Descriptions/ drawings
Life as an Ice Dragon

I turned it to the powers section and started reading

Ice Dragons can freeze people with a wave of the hand. Read people's minds in they really focus. They can breathe out blue fire that instantly turns people into ice blocks. They can also shape shift into their dragon form

Holy cow. I thought. I looked up at Hunt with amazement in my eyes at what I just read. "Hunt." One word is all I said and he snapped his head towards me. "What is it baby?" He asked softly. "My powers." I croaked in a weird voice. He immediately c.f.xane and sat beside me taking the book from my hands. He bowed his head and read the section I just finished reading. After he read it he looked up at me with so much pride and wonder. It made my heart stutter in my chest and tears form in my eyes. After blinking a few times my vision cleared. He was still staying at me with them amazingly molten golden eyes. He moved his hand to cup my cheek and I instinctively closed my eyes and savored his warmth. "You are so beautiful babygirl." I heard his voice in my head loud and clear. My eyes snapped open staring at him while he was chuckling quietly." I-I-I h-heard you." I stuttered out and he started laughing deep belly laugh, that was so deep that it made me blush slightly and giggle a bit with him. He started calming down still chuckling to himself. "I'm sorry for laughing Fel, it just you should have seen your face!" He said still chuckling and pulled the face I had supposedly made, making him look weird. I started laughing real hard with tears in my eyes and my side's aching from laughing so much. Hunt joined in and we both laughed until we was out of breath. We sat there panting trying to catch the air that we need. "Seriously, how could I hear you in my head? You didn't say anything out loud." I asked when I got my breath under control. I looked at him with curiosity and wonderment in my gaze." Remember w hen I told you marking you? When I marked you it sealed us partially together. We won't be fully sealed until we complete the mating proccess. I can read your thoughts. I can't talk to you telepathically. I can find you just about anywhere. My mark..." He trailed off and gently smoothed his fingers over his mark before he bent his head, his brown hair glowing in the sunlight. He licked his mark and took a deep breath inhaling my scent. "It warns off other werewolves or supernatural beings. It tells them you are MINE."He then looked straight into my eyes." If someone hurts you they will pay the consequences. You are my mate, your happiness, well being, and safety. Are in the forefront if my mind. My very main priority is you. I fell in love with you as soon as I seen you Felocity Pink." He bent his head and kissed me deeply and I melted into his warm safe arms. I love you too Hunt. I have never felt this safe, loved and protected in years. Now I finally get to feel that again. I know I am not in this cold dark world alone now. I have Hunt and his family in my heart. I know they love me just by the way they treated me. I shouldn't have ever had to go through what I had, but I did and I survived. I would do I all over again I had to. 

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