Chapter 28

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Felocity's POV

Darkness that's all I can see, it feels like I have been here for an eternity waiting for something to happen. Just then I seen this beautiful dragon appear out of thin air it had pale blue scales that looked icy and it had crystal eyes and it was huge, it had wings about 5 feet long that fitted into its body perfectly. It had icecicles that was sticking up on her head like a mohawk and went to the middle of its back. It had extremely stark white teeth that could cut through anything. It was smiling at me like it knows me. I just stared in a trance at its beauty and its significance. It then spoke "I'm Iceiana, im your inner dragon. Remember me?" She asked sarcastically and snickered to herself with laughter and playfulness shining in her eyes. I started with a shriek of excitement "Omg, its actually you! You look so much prettier than what I imagined you were." Then a thought stopped me in my tracks I looked over at her once again. "Where are we? Why haven't I seen you before? Why is it that I can see you now when I never have been able to before?" I fired off the questions one after another. She stared at me with serious radiating from her eyes. "You are in the hospital unconscious right now. We had a terrible battle between us and Andre and Lizzy. We was seriously hurt during the battle. I tried my best to protect you from them. I'm sorry it wasn't enough. You can see me now because our mate had marked you and as soon as you fully mate then you are going to be able to shape shift and a lot of powers. I was hibernating until we found our mate. Once her marked you he coaxed me out of hibernation. That's why you have never seen me before." She said to me with so much seriousness I believed her. I just kept looking her cant believing what I had just heard. "Iceiana thank you so much for saving me it was enough. You being with me had given Hunt time to come to over rescue again because Andre wouldn't have stopped until we was dead this time." I said to her sincerely touched that she fought back, when I couldn't have. "What happened to Andre? Is he still alive? Everything is fuzzy during the end." She looked at me with triumph in her eyes and flashed me a smile showing me her shark like teeth. "He is dead. I ripped his heart out and squeezed it until it was a pile of mush." She said enjoyably. I cringed vividly and looked at her a bit horrified, imaging what it would feel like to die that way. "He deserved everything he got and probably more if I could have held out longer I probably would have done a whole lot worse." She said with conviction in her voice, sounding so sure. Her eyes sparkled as she told me that, letting me know she enjoyed killing him. She knew what he did to me for the past 4 years because when she came out of hibernation she went into my mind and explored around to get to know me better. She knew how hard my life was and she was never going to let me be in that position again, even if Hunt was to try it, even though we both know he wont. That thought brought another question I need answered. "How is Hunt? Where is he? Is he okay? Does he know what happened yet?" I fired my questions one after the other my mind whirling with thought, and possibilities. She was quick to know what was going on in my mind. She said soothingly "He is fine right now, he has hope as of right now. I am attempting to help heal you faster, but I don't know how long it will take, my energy is diminishing rapidly trying to heal you." She said tiredly. "I may have to rest before I can start healing you again. There was a lot of damage during our battle I'm not sure how long we are going to be unconscious, or how long it'll take for me to heal you properly. I do know that Dr. Rome is trying his best to keep us alive as I am trying to too." She said sleepily, her eyes started to fall over her crystal eyes as her legs gave up and she laid her huge form down onto the blackness surrounding us. She was making such an effort to help ease me from worrying so I took her lead and curled up beside her and he tail came around the back of my body holding me protectively, as she gently rested her head next me instantly falling asleep. "Goodnight Iceiana." I said into the night before falling into a peaceful slumber beside my dragon.

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