Chapter 13

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Hunt's POV
It's the day after Feloctity left and Mia, dad and myself are on the way too her house to check on her. When we made it there I looked around and slowly made my way up the walkway. I raised my hand to knock on the door when the door opened to reveal Andre and his wife. He looked at me in shock then masked his expression t o show nothing. "What do you want?" He asked none too nicely. "I just came to check on Felocity, see how she is holding up." I said. Before he could retort back his wife spoke up " My name is Lizzy if you didn't know, and she is asleep right now and doesn't want anyone to disturb her. She said she had a headache. But as you can see we are about to leave so maybe after this conference you might be able to see her." She said in a sickly sweet voice. "Oh, okay Lizzy." I turned back towards my car. I got in to see 2 dumbfounded expressions. "I got a plan." I said with a michevious smirk on my lips. As I started backing down the driveway and turning back onto the road I hear Blaire starting to growl at me."Blaire calm down, I have a plan and we are going to see our mate. You didn't think I'd give up that easily did you?" I said. He just sniffed at me not liking that we was leaving without seeing her. Eventually he started to calm down at the thought of seeing our precious mate. I drove down the road for about a mile and I turned onto this dirt road. After I drove for a couple minutes down it I stopped the car after I pulled off to the side of the road hoping it was enough coverage to camoflauge my car. I then turned to Mia  and my father and told them "They are leaving for a conference and wouldn't allow me too see her, so after they leave we will make our way back their and find a way too see her." They both nodded in agreement, because I knew they was just as worried about her as I was. After 15 minutes of waiting we seen there car passing us on the road and waited an additional 10 to make sure they were gone. I started the car up again and made our way back to the house. I turned off the car and we all got out to search for a way in. "Dad, Mia you guys stay together and start searching the left side of the house, and I'll start on the right." I said to them over our family mindlink. They nodded and went to start searching. I was trying a window when I got a mindlink from my dad saying "Hunt there is a window on our side that isn't locked. It's about half way down the house." I turned to the direction they had went and hurriedly sprinted seen them both standing at a window. I immediately tried the window and it slid up without a sound and I swiftly climbed through and landed on my feet silently. I was immediately engulfed by her scent we can't use her scent to find her, her scent I all over the house i thought. I tuned to help Mia and dad through the window, we split up in search for her. I was in the kitchen when dad mind linked me saying "Hunt, come upstairs." I made my way up the stairs taking them 2 at a time, and I seen dad and Mia standing at the end of the hallway in front of a big black door. Dad was looking at a picture hung on the wall quizically and removed it fron the wall revealing a set of keys that droppd to the floor. I hurried over to him and he put the keys into the locks and unlocked them all. Slowly he started to open the door to be disappointed that Felocity wasn't in there. When we looked around we seen how truly twisted and evil these people actually were. There was knives, surgical supplies, a table with straps on it and bits of dried blood mixed with fresh blood that had been missed. This is way worse than I thought. I thought. After I had seen enough of the torture room I made my way back downstairs with a pit of dread and worry. My stomach is twisting in knots and flipping around uncomforablely. I heard screeching that pulled me back from my thoughts and feelings. I followed the sound until I was front of a door underneath the stairs. Which I presumed to be the basement. I slowly made my way down the rickety old staircase, that freaked every step of the way. I hurriedly mind linked dad and Mia "I found a door to the basement and im making my way down these steps I need you all to come down here quick." I said. "Be there in a flash." My sister said. I started feeling around the walls for a light switch. I heard creaking from the direction of the steps and knew Mia and dad was about down here. I finally found the switch and flipped it on and the musty, blood smelling room filled with light. I turned around and could not believe my eyes. Horror and grief feeling my every being. Then I heard gasps from the staircase knowing it was Mia and dad seeing what I am. Laying on the twin sized bed was Felocity unconscious and covered in blood with a small first aid kit in her hands and the small dresser was pulled out a bit. Imguessing that was her hiding place for the first aid kit and she was trying to stitch herself back up before she passed out. My poor mate. I thought. I hurriedly went over to her and mind linked "dad, tell Dr. Rome that he needs to get a room prepped for surgery immediately that we are bringing Felocity back. When I went to check her wrist for a pulse my heart plummeted into my stomach. She had a pulse but it was extremely weak, I couldn't even hardly hear her heart beat. Hold on beautiful we are gonna get you help. Stay with us please.I thought.

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