Chapter 5

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Hunt's POV

After I got a mind link  from the pack doctor saying there was a medical emergency over the pack link where anybody in the pack can hear it.

I hurried to my black sports car and drove straight over there. Once I pulled up I seen my sisters pink bug idling in park. That's weird she'd never do that to her precious pink bug I thought to myself. I slowly got out of my car and made my way over too hers and took her keys out of the ignition. Then I smelled it blood. What the hell is a human's scent and blood doing in my sisters car? On my territory? I thought.

Then I briskly walked in and found my sister outside a door crying and sobbing. While there was nurses and doctors taking all kinds of supplies in there. "What the hell is going on?" I shouted.

My sisters head snapped up at the sound of my voice, I looked into her eyes and seen a deep desperation and sadness in her purple eyes. She sat there frozen for a minute before she ran and jumped into my arms sobbing and crying.

I quickly hugged her back trying to give her some  comfort. Then I heard "Please save her! Please! Please save her Hunt! Please!"

She? Who is she talking about?

"Who are you talking about Mia?" I asked.

"Felocity, she is my bestfriend! I should have stopped this when I had the chance! He has gone to far now!" She said in a deadly voice.

She abruptly pulled away from me and started making her way toward the door, just before she made it I grabbed her wrist and quickly turned her around looking into my sisters wolf's glacial blue eyes. Which is sparkling in pure rage.

Someone has really gotten on my sisters bad side if they bring her wolf to the surface. She hardly comes out unless she is severely upset or angry. I thought.

"Mia I don't understand what is going on here." I said gently and calmly to her.

She looked at me with them cold glacial eyes and said "I'm going to kill him." She said simply. AS if it wasn't a big deal to take someone's life.

"Who do you wanna kill Mia? Why do you wanna kill him?" I asked genuinely confused.

"He fucking hurt Felocity my bestfriend. I can't just sit here while she is in there fighting for her life! He deserves to pay for what he has done to her. She can't die because of that stupid asshole!" She screamed hysterically.

"Calm your voice down with me right now!" I said through gritted teeth. " Who hurt her? I will take the correct action against them for hurting her Mia. I promise." I said to her persuasively.

"Her foster father he is the one who done this." She said calmly to me, I can see she is trying to calm herself. Just then my wolf stirred. " Mate!" He growled at me.

"Blair are you sure? " I asked him.

"Yes mate!" He said again. I looked around and started to smell cinnamon and Apple's with a touch of honey. I followed the scent till I was standing in front of the door Mia was sitting in front of.

My eyes widened when I realized that Mia's bestfriend is my mate. I quickly went to the door and poked my head inside the door too see a girl around Mia's age with mid-night black hair, pale, bruised, and  bloodied with a tube coming out of her mouth. I looked at Dr.Rome and he had an helpless expression on his face trying to fix whatever is wrong.

I kept looking around the room in a daze trying to get my thoughts together, seeing all that blood from my young fragile mate, it looked like a blood bath in there.

My poor mate. I thought.

I quickly turned back around, as I let the door shut behind me. I was in a daze from what I had seen in that room. I looked up and seen my sister standing there with pity in her purple eyes as she rushed over too me once  again crying. I shook out of my daze and looked down at her 5'7 figure shaking with sobs. I gently put my hands in her blonde hair and started stroking it softly to try an help her calm down.

"Tell me about Felocity, Mia please?" I asked.

She pulled away and sat down in one of the chairs in the hall gesturing for me to do the same, I sat beside her waiting for her to start talking. Finally she said in a small soft, hurt filled voice "Fel, is amazing, funny, shy, very compassionate, and she is very scared. I've been her friend since she moved here 4 years ago. I had seen her shy and frightened flinching away from anybody's touch. I started to talk to her little by little till she started to get comfortable with me. We became friends and she confided in me about certain things, but she made me pinky promise not to tell a soul, and we became close. I wanted to try an find a way to help her but she is extremely independent, and wouldn't listen to anything I had to say about the situation. She is also very strong, and loveable. She has had to be strong for the last 4 years because of what she called her 'foster monsters'. I don't even see why they would do this to her she always followed the rules and tries to make people happy even though she is broken on the inside. She is truly the best thing in this harsh cold world."

I sat there thinking about what she said and smiled a sad smile at myself a little. After awhile of sitting there in our thoughts.

The door opened and Dr.Rome stepped out in scrubs that was covered in blood. He looked at us with pity and sadness and said "I done what I could, her injuries are very extreme and she has had significant blood loss. She had a lot of problems during surgery. I also had to give her an antidote for all poision's because I couldn't pin point which poision she had in her system. It seemed like she had a little bit of each one in her system. She also has a lot of stitches and I had to restitch all the ones that was already stitched up. She also had an infection, I'm thinking it's from where she tried to stitch herself up, because it doesn't look like professional work to me. She is in a coma right now from the major blood loss and due to her other head injuries, but she is stable for right now at least. Her injuries were unbelievable. She is gonna have to be watched 24/7 and I will be on call as long as I am needed."

We both sat there our mouths dropped in shock trying to proccess what all she had indured to get her here. We both slowly got up and made our way to the room, taking a deep breath we slowly opened the door and walked to her bedside. When we got there we both dropped into the seats beside her bed in complete and utter horror.

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