Chapter 12

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As soon as we got to hell Lizzy was the first one out of tryingrhe car and into the house. Next was Andre walking briskly up the pathway. I got out the car with my crutches and slowly made my way up the pathway and into the house. As soon as I got in Lizzy had a bottle of liquor in her hand, it was almost empty.vs he took another big gulp of it and in the process drained what was left in it. She slowly started walking around me, circling me like a vulture."So slut, how was it spending the night away from here?" She slurred as she questioned me.
Next thing I know I got hit upside the head by the bottle and glass shattering everywhere. I whimpered as I seen stars floating around. Then she yanked my crutches away from me making me lose my balance and fall forward onto the floor. Then she proceeded to beat me with my own crutches. She turned me over where I was facing her and stomped her 5- inch stiletto heel in my my thigh the same spot Andre had stabbed me with the scapel. I let out a scream as it pierced through my skin tearing the stiches out in the process. Andre then descended the stairsgiving Lizzy another bottle of whiskey, I think, she the proceeded to give him a full blown make-out session. Andre pulled away first and told Lizzy "Baby we will resume this when we finish with the bitch."
He grabbed me by the hair and Lizzy grabbed my feet. I let out a small whimper of pain as they carried me upstairs and strapped me to the table. Lizzy came over to me drinking some more whiskey before she slapped me in the face making my cheek sting and tears spring into my eyes. "You know how you aren't our daughter? Well you never will be our daughter fried in a miscarriage when I was 7 months pregnant. A truck was speeding down the road and hit me as I was walking across the street. Put me in a coma for a week and when I woke up the doctors told me that our daughter had died and they tried everything they could to save her, but she had to many injuries to be able to survive. My daughter died on impact while in my womb." She cried at me with tears and make-up running down her fave making her look funny. I looked at her with sympathy in my eyes realizing that they had both gone through something tramatic. Andre came over to her and hugged her sobbing figure. He let go a minute after and she drank some more whiskey out of the bottle. She looked at me with fire in her eyes again. The sadness was wiped away and replace with anger. She looked me dead in the eyes and held up something that sparkled in the light. I squinted at it trying to figure out what it is, when I realized that it was from the bottle she smashed on my head downstairs. I held my breath waiting for the impact of it, and it broke through the skin on my side . I held back the scream trying to escape my lips. Then Andre slowly made his way toward me with a whip in his hand. He whipped me in the face, arms, stomach, and legs. Then they proceeded to untie me from the table and roll me over of my stomach knowing I can't fight back with all these welts and blood everywhere. Then he and Lizzy proceeded to exchange the whip back and forth, both of them taking enjoyment out of my pain. Andre then grabbed a knife and started making shallow cuts everywhere and when I accidentally move he would dive the knife deeper into the wound he was working on. He then made a huge but shallow line all the way down my spine. I finally realized why they were doing everything they were. They are trying to get rid of the pain in their hearts from the loss of their daughter. They decided to take out their feelings on me because I'm not their biological daughter. Im just a reminder of what they had lost. I'm the reminder of the pain, they have in themselves. The daughter they could have but won't let themselves because it is easier to take it out on me than to accept reality and talk to someone about their pain from the loss of their beloved daughter.  My last thought before evrything went black was im sorry for both of your loss.

Felocity's Secrets!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon