Chapter 10

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Felocity's POV
When I woke up next my head was pounding like there was a bunch of monkey's jumping around in my brain. I finally got one of my eyes cracked open and quickly shut it back . I opened both of my eyes blinking the bluriness away. Once the bluriness was gone I seen Hunt looking at me with sadness in his eyes. "How are you feeling, hun?" He asked softly while look in at my for any signs of discomfort.
"Water." I croaked out weakly.
He quickly grabbed a glass of water and held it to my parched lips. I drank it all down in one gulp. "More, please?" I croaked out again. He chuckled and filled it up again and brought Iit back to my lips. I swallowed the water slowly this time enjoying the feel of it quenching my thirst. After he sat the glass back down. I said " I'm okay, just feel like crap. I'm hurting everywhere and my head is pounding."
"Hold on." He said as he walked to the door and pulled it open and disappeared for a minute before coming back in with Dr. Rome in tow. Dr. Rome came over and checked my vitals and then put some medicine in my IV, then he left again after giving me a small smile. After a couple minutes the pain subsided and I started hollering "poop, titties, poop, poop, titties!" Hunt burst out laughing at me in a loopy state."Hunt is a bunt." That made hin double over in laughter. "Hey, Hunt?" I asked. "Yea." He chuckled. " What color is a unicorns horn?" I asked. " I don't know." He replied.
"It tastes like rainbow!" Which caused him to double over in laughter again with tears streaming down his face. After he calmed downed again I asked "Hey, Hunt?" "Yea." He replied. "Why did you smootch me?" I asked him slowly closing my eyes. He looked at me as I opened my eye with difficulty. "Because I like you Felocity." With that I fell asleep with a small smile on my lips.

Hunts POV
After Felocity fell back asleep I chuckled at her hilarious antics. I love seeing her in this funny state. Its the first time I've actually seen her without fear and being able to see this funny side of her. I looked over at her again my heart thumping rapidly in my chest at the thought of that monster getting to take her home again. He could kill her if we can't figure out how to stop this. I stood up abruptly and went outside for some fresh air. I looked up to see the quarter moon shining in the sky and stars twinkling around it. It was a beautiful night, though not as beautiful as my broken mate. I then got an idea. I went over to my car and quickly got in and mind linked my sister "I have to do something right quick, you need to stay with Felocity till I get back." She said "Okay, that was fine." I quickly drove the 5 minute drive to the moon goddesses hidden temple, which was in a cave full of diamonds. As I went down the corridors leading to the main center of the cave where there was an opening at the top where the moon could shine through. I kneeled in the center and bowed my head. I felt something softly touch my shoulder causing me to slowly raise my head up too meet the moon goddess herself.she has pearly white hair, soft features, and crystal eyes. I looked into her crystal eyes, waiting for her to speak. "My dear son, what has brought you here my child?" She said in an angelic voice.
"I came too ask you for advice moon goddess. I need to figure out what to do with my mate." I told her.
She looked at me with her crystal eyes and said " I see your dilemma child, but I have a plan. You need to mark her when she is strong"
I interrupted her and said " what does me marking her have anything to do with anything? How does this help?"
"Hush child let me finish first off when you mark her, it will help her in the long run. She is special so it will help her heal faster and it will make everything a lot more easier. Second I'm going to influence her foster parents to go away for a conference, and in that week she should be strong enough for you to mark her. Trust me child I will take care of her for you." She said to me softly. "Thank you kindly moon goddess."
I said in a whisper and my head bowed. When I looked up again she was gone. I slowly got up and started my way back through the corridors and into the night. I looked up to see the stars winking at me. In that moment I knew everything would be alright, because the moon goddess is on my side. I made my way back to where Felocity is was staying, with a small smile on my face, feeling lighter than before.

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