Chapter 8

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I sat there shocked while is lips touched mine. I started to feel this tingling sensation and my eyes slowly started to close when I brought my hands behind his neck and attentively kissed him back. Then sparks started flying everywhere not firework sparks, but like a bolt of electricity going through my body. That's how damn good it felt. He ran his tongue along my bottom lip softly asking for entrance, when suddenly I groaned and whimpered in pain. He pulled back slightly and I slowly opened my eyes to see his golden eyes while our foreheads was still touching. "Mine." He growled softly.
Mine? How could I be his when I hardly knew him? Then Mia interrupted. "Hey Hunt, sit down please? I think you scared her a bit." She said to him.
He promptly sat down and put his face in his hands breathing in and out slowly.
"I think I am going to lay back down I'm extremely tired and in a bunch of pain. I said to the siblings as paid radiated throughout my body again. Mia gave me a 'Really' look  and I just gave her a small smile before slowly drifting off to sleep.

Hunt's POV

As we sat there and watched her fall back asleep. That kiss kept replaying in my head over and over again. It was the best damn kiss I've ever had it was like as soon as she started responding to my kiss electricity shooting throughout my body. I was jerked out of my seat harshly and pulled out of the door and dragged down this hallway no-one uses. I looked up to see it was Mia dragging me. She stopped abruptly and turned around letting go of my wrist.
"What was that Hunter Mash Punch? Are you trying to scare her or something? You can't sit there and tell her she is yours. You have to be careful with her especially since the past couple of years and, she is still human. She doesn't trust anybody except for me because she knows I won't hurt her! And kissing her out of the blue? Seriously? What in your ever-loving-mind were you thinking? You stole her first kiss asshole! You will be lucky if she won't be mad at you or frightened of you! Every girl has some fantasy of how their first kiss will go. I'd bet my wolf that hers wasn't sitting in a hospital bed, bruised, cut up and in pain getting kissed by my idiotic brother!" She ranted at me.
After her rant she was breathing heavily. I sat there dumbfounded by this news. I didn't know it was her first kiss.
"I'm sorry Mi, you know me I was just trying to convey my feeling through the kiss. If it was her first I'll make it up to her. I promise. I just wasn't thinking." I said to her pleadingly.
"Fine, but if you hurt her in any way shape or form. I will hurt you whether you are my alpha and my brother or not. She deserves to have someone to love and respect her after all she has been through. We are gunna have to teach her how to love and how it feels like to be loved again. She hasn't felt that in I don't even know how long Hunt." She stood looking into my eyes conveying how important Felocity is to her.
" I promise I won't hurt her sis, I'm not capable of hurting my mate, even if she is human my heart clenches every time I see her laying in that hospital bed in the state that she is in." I said to her with feelings in my voice.
"Good, now come on love monkey we have to get back to her." She said.
As we turned onto the hallway to go back to her room stopped short at what we seen. There was a man standing in front of her door with blonde hair and beady eyes, with a build of wrestler and bout 5'9. He was staring at Feloctiy's door with so much hatred. I turned to look at Mia she was standing there looking like she had seen deaths door. I turned back to the man and shouted "Who are you?" He turned at the sound and authority in my voice with an expressionless face and coldly answered "Andre."

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