Chapter 1: Hunting With Friends

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Lexi's POV

"Shh be quite. Don't wanna scare away are food now do we." My friend Brittany said to my other friend Jade.

Were currently hunting for blood. Yes, it's human. Blood from animals is gross.

The guy was close enough so Brittany took action. She always seduces them. She brings them into the woods. Were all hiding behind something. Then when she bites him we join.

I'm the leader of the group but I don't feel comfortable seducing them. We all have powers but we don't use them a lot. I'm the third oldest.

Brittany started coming towards the woods with the boy following close behind her. He was kinda cute.

He was a red head, short, blue eyes, freckles, and he was pretty fit.

They made it to the spot where we always kill people.

"Well what's your name darlin?" Brittany asked.

"Daniel. How about yours?" He asked back. She smirked. Here comes her favorite thing to say.

"Its Brittany, bitch." She said then bit his neck. He tried to scream but she put his hand over his mouth first.

We all jumped out and fed off him to. Brittany has his neck. I have his left arm. Jade has his right arm. Tina has his right leg. Becky has his left leg.

When he was drained we all let go and stood back well wiping our mouths.

I picked up his body and chucked it out far into the woods so something else gets to eat the rest of him.

"Damn, he was delicious." Becky said. I nodded. There were a couple 'yeas' and 'mhm'.

We walked out of the woods and saw something that caught all of our attention.

The Stewart Coven was surrounding five guys. These guys were terrified. I could here all of their heartbeats.

"Looks like we found dinner boys." Jack the leader said.

"Please don't hurt us." A thick Irish accent said.

We walked a little closer. We can't interfere. They were always stronger than us.

"You guys smell so good. I wonder if your blood tastes as good." Jack said.

"Leave us alone. I'm begging you." An English accent said this time.

"Look boss the humans begging." Bob said well chucking.

I could hear one of the boys gulp. Then I heard growling and a familiar sent.

'Perrie' Oh no.

I saw her jump out of the woods and into the circle. She's a werewolf. I don't understand why she would do this. She told us not to mess with them.

They hissed at her so she growled. I ran over to the group. The girls yelled for me but I ignored them.

Perrie's been my best friend for a while and I'm not gonna let her get hurt.

I hissed making all eyes go towards me.

"Well, well, well isn't it the weakling. Lexi." He said but growled my name. I hissed.

"Oh, I'm so scared."bHe said sarcasm dripping off every word he said.

"Oh shut up Jack!" I yelled. He just smirked.

"Where is your little group?"He asked. He knew they were scared to face him. He's just rubbing in my face that I'm weaker without them.

I looked at the boys and they were all looking at me. Fear and confusion in their faces.

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