Three's A Crowd (Dark X Reader X Anti)

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Authors Note: I can't stop, send help

WARNING: Mentions of abuse.

This has been going on for some time now. You had been happy and safe with your beloved, but once his enemy grew in power and rank throughout The Void your life was put into terrible danger. He had enemies, yes, but none were as powerful or as feared as Darkiplier. This shadow being was one of the most powerful Alter Egos there was in creation so to say that you were in danger to be honest was an understatement at best.

     It was only a matter of time before something had come up when dating your glitchy green Alter bean, though you hadn’t expected it to turn out like this. Not like this at all. One moment you were at home, happy and safe, snuggled up in your lovers shirt just enjoying a nice show before everything turned Monochrome. All color around you bled out of existence until there was nothing bright at all; even the lights seemed to be afraid of shining as the air turned to ice. Standing from your spot on the couch you took a few steps back unsure what was happening but just as you turned to get out of the room you ran straight into a suit. Looking up at the being before you the last thing you saw was his cold glare.

     Waking up in a room strapped to what looked like a Dentist chair with blinding lights above you. Groaning while shifting your gaze to the room around you your heart all but stopped. Everything was an awful dull color except for the obvious blood stains covering parts of the chair, the floor, the walls, everything. The ground under you was grated, lifting you up slightly from the cool tile floor, while there were tables with things you couldn’t quite make out on them due to your laying position but you knew it would bring you nothing good. Turning your head to the left you saw a door that seemed to be one that would be placed inside a mental institute; thick metal with a small square window obviously made for keeping someone in.


     Not here.

     Anywhere but here!

     Panic sweeping through your veins you began to twist and turn as you violently struggled to get out of your thick, leather restraints. You had heard of this room, Anti had explained to you that this was Darks play room that went by the name ‘The Persuasion Room’ although persuading wasn’t exactly what he was doing in there, and you knew that should someone be in this room it wouldn’t end well for those in the chair. Well Anti had made many a joke of Dark using it as some sort of kinky place should he ever have a partner but mostly it was for torture.

     Why were you here? You hadn’t done anything! Doing everything you could to not break down in tears you froze as the heavy door creaked open revealing the owner of the room. The hall beyond the door was dark, so dark you couldn’t really make anything out, it was amazing that Dark was visible at all. Watching him calmly make his way over to you as the door shut slowly behind him the being didn’t even look at you. Not so much as a glance. Instead the demon walked over to a table slowly gazing over his toys.

     “You don’t know why you’re here. That’s understandable. We’ve never met after all, and you must forgive me for my rudeness this is after all a terrible first impression, but you must understand my control over this realm is being…challenged.” Dark growled low the last word causing his shell to crack; one of him stood still glaring down at the tools before him as the other roared in anger, “I do not like being challenged. So…I am in the position where I must, yet again, remind that nat who’s in charge here.”

     You wanted to say so many things: scream, curse, yell anything you could at him but your instincts held you back and kept you silent. The primal portion of your brain knowing a great threat when it saw one. Watching in complete terror as he removed his coat and hung it on a hook before rolling up his sleeves you then knew this was going to be exactly what you feared it would be.

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