C. 1 The meet

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Here I am at a party, where I have no business being . I should have just stayed home . My name is Kelis Wilson I'm 20 years old and I believe that I'm a sex addict ...that doesn't have sex . Crazy to say I know but no one can match my ability to go round after round and no is comfortable with trying out BDSM.
D-Discipline \ Dominance

Yes being tied up ,choked,spanked and talked to crazy gets me hot and bothered but no one wants that .

"Excuse me".  I jumped out of my skin when that deep voice came about in my ear . "Oh I'm sorry excuse me" I said and I quickly move out the way and go back to dancing one of my favorite sex song played  (speechless by Beyoncé) and my friend put me on blast and made me go to the middle of the dance floor and do my routine . As upset as I was I let the music flow through me as I picked out my victim . He was tall and his eyes pulled me in. "You ...come dance with me " I said as I pulled him and sat him in the chair and started my routine every one stared with question filled eyes but I stared into his and all I could see was amusement and excitement . The song ended I got up and helped him to his feet I thanked him and walked outside. "You seem to know what your doing " he chuckled. "a little . I didn't get to introduce myself I'm Kelis and you are ? " I replied "Christopher " he said "I apologize if me taking you as my victim was embarrassing for you " he started laughing almost had tears in his eyes from laughing so hard "victim? Embarrassing? It was fun for me " he stated laughing once again.
He was intoxicating I could tell his energy was total different but I wanted more "We should talk more here's my number text me " he said before looking into my eyes n walking off "I will good night ". He stopped and turned around "goodnight Kelis. Sweet dreams " he said before he began walking away once again, all I could think of is dam this was one interesting ass night and that is one interesting ass man lord take the wheel .


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