Year Two | 3

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Rey's Point Of View

~~~The Next Day ~~~

I went to Mrs. Holdo's office. She looked up at me from her paper work. "I assume that you came to ask me if there's any mail for you?"

I nodded, I had come to Mrs. Holdo's office frequently in the past year checking to see if there was any mail for me. It was strange getting mail, especially personal letters, but Ben always sent me a letter at least once a week.

"This came for you just this morning," she replied handing an envelope to me.

I took it and she smiled at me. She knew how excited his letters always made me.

I smiled back at her then went to the room I shared with Rose and Paige to read the letter.

I sat down on my bed and opened the envelope.


Dear Rey,

Of course I dedicated it to you, I wrote the book for you. You are the only one who believed in me, you inspired me to keep writing, not to give up. It's the least I could do for my closet friend, the only true friend I've ever had.

Please tell me what you thought of the book, be honest I want to know if there was something that you didn't like so that I can improve in the future.

What was your favorite part?

If the best book you've ever read, then you need to read more books. I'm not that good at writing.

Please write back soon!

Sincerely, your friend Ben


I shook my head, he always sells himself short. If only he could see his books through my eyes, then he would know how wonderful they are. If only he could see himself through my eyes... I've never seen him face to face but by reading his letters, I can tell that he is a wonderful person. Reading his books, the way he pours himself into them is like being able to see a glimpse into his heart, the world he created is a map of his heart and it is a beautiful wonderful place that I never want to leave, I wish I could just stay there forever.

I go over to my desk, and take a deep breath I have to tell him. I can't let him give up, I have to tell him how much his stories mean to me. How much he means to me.

Ben's Point Of View

~~~Two Days Later~~~

I sat at my desk reading the letter that I had just received from Rey.


Dear Ben,

You're my best friend too. Thank you for taking the time to write me so often, I know that you're busy and it means a lot to me.

I loved the book, Ben. There's nothing that I would change about it. All I want is to find out what happens next.

My favorite part? I can't choose just one, but I loved the scene when Anakin and Padme admitted their love to each other, and their wedding at the end.

Don't say that Ben. Stop doubting yourself, your books are better than you know, and so are you. You describe the world of your books so wonderfully that I felt as if I were really there. I can tell by reading your books that you pour yourself into them, and that's why they're my favorite.

The world of your stories is like the map of your heart and it's a beautiful, wonderful place that I never want to leave. I wish that I could stay there forever.

~ your friend Rey


The last lines of her letter fills my heart with a strange, warm fuzzy feeling. It was the best thing that anyone had ever said to me in my life. In that moment I made a promise that I would never stop writing and that it would all be for her no matter what else came of it.

Written In Starlight (A Reylo Modern AU) Where stories live. Discover now