- twenty one

151 8 4


this wasn't the first time i was in benjis bed. and it wasn't the first time i was naked either. his head was on my chest covering my tits with the sheet pulled loosely over us. it just felt right. both of our eyes were glued to the quiet tv playing that 70's show for the thousandth time, supplying the only light to the room.

"aleyia." benji said quietly. i sat quiet for a moment too exhausted to say a thing.


"you might hate me after this." he paused. my heart beat heavier and i could tell he could hear it as he looked up at me. "i think i'm falling in love with you."

i froze. he felt the same way back. the boy who's attention i've been trying to grab since 8th grade was finally the way i wanted him and i couldn't find the words to say. i grabbed both sides of his face gently in my hands and pulled his lips up to meet mine.

"finally" i breathed once he broke away. he pecked my lips again and his head full of fluffy hair found it's way to the crook of my neck. i rested my hand in his brown locks n drifted off comfortably.

i woke up to an empty bed lightly tucked under the sheet. i rolled over grabbing my phone knocking down a folded up note. i picked it up and saw my name written in benjis sorta messy handwriting.


i went to go get us breakfast i'll be back

don't leave when i'm gone that would probably kill me ):


i smiled at the little note. he probably couldn't tell the last thing i wanted to do was leave him right now. i sat up and stretched out holding the sheet to my chest.

i tapped around on the ground for the first piece of clothing i could find. i picked up my panties n slipped them on and then benjis hoodie. i told myself i wasn't gonna steal it he deserved his own clothes.

i moved to the side letting the smell of his cologne out of the hoodie almost making my knees go weak. i rolled over on the bed my ass facing the door just to give him a lil sum you know.

i sat on my phone for around ten minutes until the door opened i turned slightly my feet still kicking in the air back arched n shit.

he sat at the door froze for a second with a coffee tray in one hand and a mcdonald's bag in the other. "you're gonna kill me like that oh my fuck" he set down the food. and locked the door behind him.

april 25, 2020
472 words

im alive i'm just tired and over it.

d ☁️

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