- twenty five

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"hello." i answered the phone with a smile. i hadn't heard from her at all that day.

"i need help." i heard her cry on the other end. her voice was completely shaky and scattered. i sat up quickly on my bed grabbing my car keys.

"what's going on?" i asked as i slid on my shoes.

"i fell and i had ryan pick me up and i got hurt and he took me home. no not home he took me to his house." she paused trying to catch her breath between quiet sobs.

"calm down you're okay. breathe and tell
me what's going on." i reassured her while already slipping on my shoes.

"my legs hurt so bad. and i was at ryan's and he opened this drawer and gave me two pills and it was xanax and i started freaking out and he chased me and i ran and my legs hurt i can't stop shaking please help me benji." she messily explained and i quickly pieced it together.

"where are you right now?" i asked panicked.

"i'm behind a garbage can and a fence so
he couldn't see me. i'm so scared of him. he kept pushing me to take it i didn't want it and i did i feel so dumb i'm lost." she couldn't stop sobbing.

"aleyia i need you to calm down okay? i'm going to come get you but i need to know where you are okay. do you know what street you are on?" i tried to calm her down and get the information i needed without freaking her out again. i clenched my jaw thinking about the fact that ryan gave her xans. and two at that. i wanted to rip his fucking head off.

"wait i checked a second ago. i can't remember let me look again." i heard a shuffle before i heard the breathy words. "morrison ave."

i thought for a second. "your not too far from ryan's i think. stay still and if ryan comes back i need you to stay hidden right behind those garbage cans okay?"

"no no no please don't hang up please benji i'm
so scared right now." she begged me.

"i'm not gonna hang up. i just need you to stop crying and stay quiet for me okay."

"okay she sniffled."

her side of the call was very quiet as i was rushing into my car. it was 2am and aleyia was on xanax in someone's front yard in vegas. i sped through the roads faster than usual until i made it to ryan's house. i looked as i passed to
see him and marias car in the driveway behind his parents cars. i sped up rushing to morrison ave. "aleyia are you still there."

"are you almost here?" she asked softly.

"what color is the house you're infront of?" responded.

"uh. it's white and it has blue shutters." she answered. her voice was still broken and raspy but i can tell she wasn't crying anymore. i slammed on my breaks infront of the house and quickly got out of my drivers seat. i walked hunched over to aleyia to make sure the people in the house didn't see me.

"baby i'm here." i said walking up to the garbage cans.

she jumped and let out a short scream before i cut it off with my hand over her mouth. "it's
me it's benji." i picked her up gently and saw the bandages on her legs. her whole body was cold and clammy. she was shivering so bad. i looked at her face as i carried her and he pupils were giant. her eyes kept fluttering. i knew i couldn't take her to the hospital as much as i hated ryan right now i couldn't let aleyia face her dad after that. i placed her in the passenger seat and exhaled.

"thank you." she said softly.

october 31,  2020
674 words

i wrote this really fast i'm sorry if there is any errors


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